Snakes, such as this tree snake from Java, gather scents from their surroundings. 7

Chameleons can move their eyes in different directions. This means they can hunt for food in two different areas.


Snakes’ eyes are always open. They can’t even blink. Their eyes are covered by see- through scales that keep dust out. Some lizards have very large eyes that help them see in the dark. Many snakes, including boas, have a super sense that they use for hunting—they can see heat. A boa has special patches on its lips that help the

snake see the body heat of warm animals such as birds, bats, and mice. The boa uses this sense, like a “third eye,” to hunt, even in the dead of night.


A THIRD EYE Tuataras and some lizards have a “third eye” on top of their heads. This weird skin- covered patch senses light and dark. Experts think it helps these reptiles to adjust to life in the different seasons and changing daylight hours.


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