Microsoft Word - Final Annual Report 2019.docx


Fire Department Hello all from the Fire department! We hope all of you are doing great after the long snowy winter. Spring is finally here again and we’ve had a good share of rain which helps keep the fire danger down. It’s time to vote on the town’s budget again and I hope you all come out to support the town. The budget this year, as you probably noticed, looks a little different. We have combined a few departments and building expenses into one budget line. The Fire Dept, Rescue Dept, Emergency Management and building expenses have been combined in hopes to showwhat each department actually costs to run. This might seem like a major increase to the F.D. line, but if you separate them it is about the same. The only increases are payroll (due to the minimum wage increase again required by law), some minor line items (due to normal price increases), and a few new items being requested. We are asking for cold water rescue suits due to more activity on the river in the winter, a combo rescue tool (mini Jaws of Life) to start extrication on automobile accidents until we get mutual aid to assist (which would have been helpful twice in the past year) and a weekly 8-hour position for the department to complete mandated requirements and maintenance. This is a non-benefited position and will be shared between different members to get the work done that is needed. This year the town had a real big test and we all got through it, I’m speaking of the Mill fire of course. I know there was loss of property that can’t all be replaced and does hurt, but there was no loss of life or major injuries which is a win in my book. The aid the fire dept received from other towns, our community, and the Council was out of this world. We are very grateful for all the assistance, too many to name them all, but the American Legion Post 150, other Town Departments, and many individuals stepped up as well as letters from the kids at Elm Street School. I really want to thank you all for being there for us, it really helps knowing you support us so we can be there to help you.

~ Chief Fred C. Sturtevant III Mechanic Falls Fire & Rescue



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