Microsoft Word - Final Annual Report 2019.docx


Town Clerk The 2018 calendar year was another busy year for us in the Town Clerk’s Office. The trend continues to show increased business as the budget lines for motor vehicle registrations, hunting and fishing licensing and ATV/Snowmobile/Boat registrations all showed growth. Dog licensing continues to be a challenging task as over 135 dogs were placed on warrant for our Animal Control Officer to enforce licensing. Please remember State Law requires you to license your dog every year before December 31 st . The fee is $11.00 for male/female or $6.00 for spayed/neutered. There is a late fee of $25.00 assessed for all dogs not licensed before February 1 st in addition to the regular license fee. I completed all classes required and passed the exam on September 11, 2018, becoming a Certified Maine Municipal Clerk. I am continuing to take classes and working toward becoming a Certified Tax Collector. These certifications are beneficial to the Town as we receive discounted insurance rates as a result. The election process was smooth this year. Voting took place in the Council Chambers again, however will be moved back to the Municipal Gymnasium in the upcoming year. The Municipal Budget required additional voting sessions, but finally passed with a slight decrease to MIL rate. As the Town grows in relation to businesses, we hope for continued decrease in taxes while still affording staff the budget necessary to handle such changes. Please be sure to check out Mechanic Falls website to keep up to date on the Council meeting minutes or new and upcoming events in town. http://www.mechanicfalls/ . You can also find links to reregister your vehicle and pay your real estate taxes. Please contact me at any time with questions or concerns at 207-345-2871.

~ Miranda Hinkley Town Clerk



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