
AFTERSCHOOL AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: PARTNERS IN COMMUNITY SUCCESS In order to thrive, youth need a system of support that is built upon an overall sense of safety and wellbeing, strong schools, and opportunities to learn and grow outside of the school day. Decades of research show that afterschool programs help kids learn, grow, and avoid risky behaviors. Programs spark interest in learning so students attend school more often, get better grades, and improve their behavior in class. Through new learn- ing experiences, young people discover what they love to do and develop strong social skills. 1 Afterschool provides vital resources that help children and young people stay safe and feel well-supported and give working parents peace of mind during the hours when juvenile crime and victimization peak. Increasingly, law enforcement and after- school providers are recognizing the value of partnering to support youth with the mu- tual goal of ensuring that their communities flourish. continued on page 17 YOUTH PROGRAMMING SUBCOMMITT

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