22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2019 Newsletter

March Newsletter

Swans The Swans have been very busy throughout February and have enjoyed participating in many activities linked to various celebrations. We have also been focusing on phonics Throughout the month, looking over all the sounds we have learned and have tried to

blend and segment them together, starting with reading and writing simple words. We have continued this learning through lots of sensory trays with different materials such as pasta, noodles, shaving foam, salt and even coloured sand; challenging the Swans to write their names and other shapes or letters independently. We have also taken part in several creative activities linked to our themes, including making dragons for Chinese New Year, making pig pictures to celebrate the Year of the Pig, and many Valentine’s Day crafts! Baking has been another exciting part of the month for the Swans: the children really enjoyed making some heart-shaped honey and oat biscuits which they could then take home! The children really enjoyed looking at the ingredients we needed to make the biscuits, and measuring independently using digital weighing scales. We enjoyed our science taster class with Amy last Monday and everyone showed lots of interest in carrying out experiments, finding out how and why things happen. This past week we have therefore decided to begin our science theme, where the children will be participating in lots of fun science experiments. Firstly, we have been looking at objects from our Nursery and discussing if they would float or sink. The children then made their own predictions using a checklist and we tested their predictions using the water tray. When we had finished the experiment, we then placed the objects into the correct box and counted how many objects floated or sank overall. We have also really enjoyed making our own slime, talking about how we made it and what it felt like! We are now very busy in continuing our learning all about science and are looking forward to learning all about space and the solar system over the next couple of weeks. If anyone has any books or resources to support this, we would be most grateful!


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