2018 Community Resource Guide

The SHARE Program Lebanon VA

Washington County Department of Social Services 15068 Lee Hwy., Bristol VA 24202 276-645-5000 or 276-623-2661 http://www.dss.virginia.gov/localagency Wide range of services to assist eligible families in time of need. Intake for Medicaid/FAMIS health insurance, Food Stamps, and Fuel and Crisis Assistance. Intake services for the TANF program and enrollment into the VIEW program assisting with job training or obtaining employment. Childcare resource and referral as well as child care subsidies for those who qualify. Emergency crisis assistance with rent and utilities for those in need when funds are available.

276-889-4893 Provides low cost food packages for the public. Purchase for the monthly food package may be made with cash or food stamps.

Tri-Cities Diaper Ministry 1534 Euclid Ave., Bristol, VA 24201 423-742-5639 Provides diapers to needy families.

Virginia Avenue Methodist Church 1127 Virginia Ave., Bristol, TN 37621 423-968-1353 vaaveumc@btes.tv First and third Wednesday of each month from 2-4 pm.


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