ITU AbsorbTech Employee Handbook

employees. • If you leave the Company in good standing, you may be considered for re- employment. • Except as required by law or by separate agreement, employee salary and benefits will end on the date of termination. • Upon resigning from ITU AbsorbTech, please continue to provide us with an accurate mailing address for at least one (1) calendar year for tax purposes. 210 Accidents Are Unacceptable employee’s well-being is an employee’s obligation to themselves and their peers, and the Company’s obligation to its employees. • Accepting safety leadership and safe work practices as your primary job responsibility to support a culture where accidents must be prevented. • Applying that leadership by holding others responsible to the highest standards of safe work practices. • Immediately correcting unsafe conditions and applying the solutions to identical or similar processes and functions throughout the Company. • Communicating with employees and coworkers daily to assure the culture and high expectations are spread throughout the organization. • Responding to injuries or accidents with the thought process that they cannot and will not happen again. • Believing that all workplace injuries are preventable through eliminating hazards and modifying unsafe behaviors – not only are workplace injuries preventable, “Accidents Are Unacceptable” means: • The belief that preservation of each

files. These files are secure and kept strictly confidential.

Leave Act forms.

weeks in advance. Of course, as much notice as possible is appreciated by ITU AbsorbTech and your co-workers. This notice should be in the form of a written statement. • When you plan to retire, we ask that you notify your manager of your anticipated departure date at least three-to-six months in advance. This notice should be in the form of a written statement. • If you fail to report to work for three (3) consecutive days without informing management of the absences, we assume that you have voluntarily resigned and your employment is terminated. • In the case of termination of employment or resignation with a minimum two-week notice, any unused vacation pay is paid out where Company policy provides. Unused sick days and personal days are not paid out upon termination or resignation. Any vacation, personal or sick time used in excess of accrued time will be deducted from your final paycheck given your prior written permission, as allowed by state law. • Any outstanding financial obligations owed to ITU AbsorbTech will also be deducted from your final check given your prior written permission, and as allowed by state law. If your final check does not sufficiently cover the money owed to the Company, you remain liable for that amount. • A meeting between you and your immediate manager may occur prior to your last day of work. Office keys, Company equipment, training materials, and building passes must be returned at this time, along with all other Company property and confidential information. • A health insurance extension of benefits under COBRA regulations is available and is offered via mail to eligible

PHI relates to your past, present or future physical or mental health or conditions; and the provision of healthcare to you or to the past, present or future payment for the provision of your healthcare. The Plan and its business associates will use PHI without your consent, authorization or opportunity to agree or object to carry out treatment, payment and healthcare operations as allowed under federal law. The Plan will not use your PHI for purposes not specifically allowed by the law without your consent. If you believe your medical privacy rights have been violated, you have the right to file a complaint with Human Resources or with the Office for Civil Rights. Retaliation or intimidation against you for making a complaint is strictly prohibited. Your complaint will be investigated and you will be informed of any remedial or disciplinary actions that are taken as a result of the investigation. Violators of this Privacy Policy are subject to appropriate disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment. If you think your PHI has been improperly disclosed without your consent, you have the right to file a complaint. Your complaint must be in writing and may be filed with our Human Resources department or with the health plan’s insurance carrier or claims administrator. All claims are investigated and any findings, determinations, and mitigating or disciplinary actions that result from the investigation are disclosed to you, the complainant. Any medical information kept on individual employees (pre-employment physical results, drug tests, working incidents, etc.) is stored separately from the personnel

You have the right to inspect and copy your medical information, to request corrections to your medical information, and to obtain a record of disclosures of your medical information. You also have the right to request that additional restrictions or limitations be placed on the use or disclosure of your medical information, or that communications about your medical information be made in different ways or at different locations. 209 Termination of Employment Policy Termination of employment is an inevitable part of personnel activity within any organization, and many of the reasons for termination are routine. Below are the most common circumstances (and definitions) under which employment is terminated: Resignation—voluntary employment termination initiated by an employee; typically with 2-3 weeks’ notice given to the Company with a resignation letter; Retirement – voluntary employment termination initiated by an employee, typically with 3-6 months’ notice given to the Company with a retirement notice letter. Job Abandonment – voluntary employment termination initiated by an employee caused by three days’ consecutive unexcused absences with no notice to management; Termination—involuntary employment termination initiated by ITU AbsorbTech. • If you wish to resign, we ask that you notify your manager of your anticipated departure date at least two-to-three

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