Gospel of St. Matthew (Bohairic-KJV)

Gospel of St. Matthew


English (KJV)

20:5 Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.

20:5 Ȋⲑⲱⲟⲩ ⲇⲉ ⲁⲩϣⲉ ⲛⲱⲟⲩ ⲡⲁⲗⲓⲛ ⲟⲛ ⲁϥȂ Ǹⲃⲟⲗ Ȉⲫⲛⲁⲩ Ȋⲁϫⲡ ώ ⲛⲉⲙ ⲫⲛⲁⲩ Ȋⲁϫⲡ ϔ ⲁϥⲓⲣⲓ ⲟⲛ Ȉⲡⲁⲓⲣⲏϯ 20:6 ⲉⲧⲁϥȂ ⲇⲉ Ǹⲃⲟⲗ Ȉⲫⲛⲁⲩ Ȋⲁϫⲡ ϖτ ⲁϥϫⲓⲙⲓ Ȋϩⲁⲛⲕⲉⲭⲱⲟⲩⲛⲓ ⲉⲩⲟϩⲓ Ǹⲣⲁⲧⲟⲩ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲡⲉϫⲁϥ ⲛⲱⲟⲩ ϫⲉ ǰϧⲱⲧⲉⲛ ⲧⲉⲧⲉⲛⲟϩⲓ Ǹⲣⲁⲧⲉⲛ ⲑⲏⲛⲟⲩ Ȉⲡⲁⲓⲙⲁ Ȉⲡⲓⲉϩⲟⲟⲩ ⲧⲏⲣϥ ⲉⲣⲉⲧⲉⲛⲕⲟⲣϥ 20:7 ⲡⲉϫⲱⲟⲩ ⲛⲁϥ ϫⲉ Ȉⲡⲉ ϩⲗⲓ ⲧⲁϩⲟⲛ Ǹⲫⲃⲉⲭⲉ ⲡⲉϫⲁϥ ⲛⲱⲟⲩ ϫⲉ ⲙⲁϣⲉ ⲛⲱⲧⲉⲛ ϩⲱⲧⲉⲛ Ǹⲡⲓⲁϩⲁⲗⲟⲗⲓ 20:8 ⲉⲧⲁ ⲣⲟⲩϩⲓ ⲇⲉ ϣⲱⲡⲓ ⲡⲉϫⲉ ⲡπϨ Ȉⲡⲓⲁϩⲁⲗⲟⲗⲓ Ȉⲡⲉϥⲉⲡⲓⲧⲣⲟⲡⲟⲥ ϫⲉ ⲙⲟⲩϯ Ǹⲛⲓⲉⲣⲅⲁⲧⲏⲥ ⲙⲁ ⲡⲟⲩⲃⲉⲭⲉ ⲛⲱⲟⲩ Ǹⲁⲕⲉⲣϩⲏⲧⲥ ⲓⲥϫⲉⲛ ⲛⲓϧⲁⲉⲩ ϣⲁ ⲛⲓϩⲟⲩⲁϯ 20:9 ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲉⲧⲁⲩȂ Ȋϫⲉ ⲛⲁ ϯⲁϫⲡ ϖτ ⲁⲩϭⲓ Ȋⲟⲩⲥⲁⲑⲉⲣⲓ Ǹⲫⲟⲩⲁⲓ 20:10 ⲉⲧⲁⲩȂ ⲇⲉ Ȋϫⲉ ⲛⲓϩⲟⲩⲁϯ ⲛⲁⲩⲙⲉⲩⲓ ϫⲉ ⲥⲉⲛⲁϭⲓ Ȋϩⲟⲩⲟ ⲟⲩⲟϩ Ȋⲑⲱⲟⲩ ϩⲱⲟⲩ ⲁⲩϭⲓ Ȋⲟⲩⲥⲁⲑⲉⲣⲓ Ǹⲫⲟⲩⲁⲓ 20:11 ⲉⲧⲁⲩϭⲓ ⲇⲉ ⲁⲩⲭⲣⲉⲙⲣⲉⲙ Ȋⲥⲁ ⲡⲓⲛⲉⲃⲓⲟϩⲓ 20:12 ⲉⲩϫⲱ Ȉⲙⲟⲥ ϫⲉ ⲛⲁⲓϧⲁⲉⲩ ⲟⲩⲟⲩⲛⲟⲩ Ȋⲉⲣϩⲱⲃ ⲡⲉⲧⲁⲩⲁⲓⲥ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲁⲕⲁⲓⲧⲟⲩ Ȋϩⲩⲥⲟⲥ ⲛⲉⲙⲁⲛ ϧⲁ ⲛⲏ ⲉⲧⲁⲩϥⲓ Ȉⲫⲃⲁⲣⲟⲥ Ȉⲡⲓⲉϩⲟⲟⲩ ⲛⲉⲙ ⲡⲓⲕⲁⲩⲥⲱⲛ 20:13 Ȋⲑⲟϥ ⲇⲉ ⲁϥⲉⲣⲟⲩⲱ ⲡⲉϫⲁϥ Ȋⲟⲩⲁⲓ Ȉⲙⲱⲟⲩ ϫⲉ ⲡⲁϣⲫⲏⲣ ϯϭⲓ Ȉⲙⲟⲕ Ȋϫⲟⲛⲥ ⲁⲛ ⲙⲏ ⲟⲩⲥⲁⲑⲉⲣⲓ ⲁⲛ ⲡⲉⲧⲁⲓⲥⲉⲙⲛⲏⲧⲥ ⲛⲉⲙⲁⲕ 20:14 ϭⲓ Ȉⲫⲏ ⲉⲧⲉ ⲫⲱⲕ ⲙⲁϣⲉ ⲛⲁⲕ ϯⲟⲩⲱϣ ⲇⲉ Ǹϯ Ȉⲡⲁⲓϧⲁⲉ Ȉⲡⲉⲕⲣⲏϯ 20:15 ϣⲁⲛ ⲥϣⲉ ⲛⲏⲓ Ǹⲉⲣ ⲡⲉⲧⲉϩⲛⲏⲓ ϧⲉⲛ ⲛⲏ ⲉⲧⲉⲛⲟⲩⲓ ϣⲁⲛ ⲡⲉⲕⲃⲁⲗ Ȋⲑⲟⲕ ϥϩⲱⲟⲩ ϫⲉ ǰⲛⲟⲕ ⲟⲩⲁⲅⲁⲑⲟⲥ ǰⲛⲟⲕ 20:16 ⲡⲁⲓⲣⲏϯ ⲛⲓϧⲁⲉⲩ ⲉⲩǸⲉⲣϣⲟⲣⲡ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲛⲓϣⲟⲣⲡ ⲉⲩǸⲉⲣϧⲁⲉ

20:6 And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? 20:7 They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, [that] shall ye receive. 20:8 So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them [their] hire, beginning from the last unto the first. 20:9 And when they came that [were hired] about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. 20:10 But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny. 20:11 And when they had received [it], they murmured against the goodman of the house, 20:12 Saying, These last have wrought [but] one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day. 20:13 But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny? 20:14 Take [that] thine [is], and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee. 20:15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? 20:16 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.


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