Committees Captains book 2019

L ooking B ack

Highlight of our Captaincy The experience in general, I enjoyed every part of it from organizing meetings, to being part of events and being able to help and witness committees collaborating with each other, even talking and discussing ideas with committee leaders was a highlight. Unexpected things that happened during our Captaincy One main unexpected thing that happened during a whole committees meeting was that the school provided delicious food for everyone to enjoy. Another unexpected thing that happened was the chance to be able to host activities for the students that participated in the 40 hour backpack challenge, it was very fun getting every student to spin around blindfolded and having them find each other. Memorable moments with Mr Walker When Mr Walker witnessed the students getting a sugar high at the 40 hour backpack challenge and couldn’t fathom how much energy they could have.

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Somerset College Committees Captains Handbook

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