NATIXIS -2020 Universal Registration Document

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Policies and rules established for determining compensation and benefits of any kind for corporate officers

The compensation paid to Nicolas Namias in 2020 in connection Natixis’ net operating income be strictly positive. As this condition with his duties as Chief Executive Officer of Natixis was composed was met for the 2020 fiscal year, the portion relating to the three of €334 538 in fixed compensationand fringe benefits, and €79 947 previous periods was paid to the beneficiary. The differencebetween in variable compensation, the items of which are detailed below, and amounts granted and the amountsactually paid is correlated to the corresponding to variable compensation awarded for previous change in the share price for the portion indexed to the Natixis positions at Natixis. The performance condition for the deferred share price. portion of variable compensation granted to Nicolas Namias is that


Deferred securities or similar instruments portion of variable compensation for fiscal year 2016

Deferred securities or similar instruments portion of variable compensation for fiscal year 2017

Portion of instruments similar to securities for fiscal year 2019 paid in October 2020

Cash portion of variable compensation for fiscal year 2019 paid in March 2020

Deferred cash portion of variable compensation for fiscal year 2017

Deferred cash portion of variable compensation for fiscal year 2018


Laurent Mignon Paid in 2020

€140,605 €203,163

€110,692 €190,012

€190,012 €190,012

€98,615 €98,615

€0 €0

€0 €539,924 €0 €681,802

Granted (initial amount)

François Riahi Paid in 2020

€147,506 €213,135

€72,565 €124,564

€124,564 €124,564

€111,113 €111,113

€174,106 €174,106

€151,546 €781,400 €174,106 €921,588

Granted (initial amount)

Nicolas Namias Paid in 2020

€14,950 €25,667

€25,667 €25,667

€29,017 €29,017

€0 €0

€0 €79,947 €0 €95,258

€10,313 €14,907

Granted (initial amount)



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