NATIXIS -2020 Universal Registration Document

2020 NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REPORT Business line contributions to green and sustainable growth

Flexstone , a Private Equity player, relies on a systematic formalized ESG analysis throughout its investment process. In 2020, Flexstone worked on the evolution of this ESG analysis grid by adding new indicators, and taking into account priority SDGs in the evaluation of each investment. Flexstone also published its first overall ESG policy in 2020 following the merger of its three entities (1) .

Harris Associates uses a fundamental bottom-up research process to identify companies that are trading at a significant discount to their estimated intrinsic value. As part of this process, all material risks and opportunities are taken into account, including ESG issues. These are factored into the estimation of intrinsic value and, where relevant, are brought up during the engagement with the portfolio companies’managementteams. Taking all the material ESG criteria into account provides a clearer picture of a firm’s intrinsic worth and its potential to generate shareholder value over the long term.

Flexstone partners

Total € 6.9 bn

Harris Associates

Total € 84.7 bn

Responsible investment 29 %

Alliance Entreprendre , an expert in Private Equity for SMEs and mid-sized companies, takes into account ESG criteria throughout the investment cycle, depending on the materiality of the issues. The ESG assessment is presented to the Investment Committee and, when the situation allows, an ESG clause is included in the shareholders ‘agreements, including the commitment to send an annual assessment of the ESG indicators. Alliance Entreprendre’s responsible investment policy applies to all assets managed by the Asset Management company.

Responsible investment 100 %

WCM has been methodicallydeveloping its ESG approach for over a decade: when sustainability criteria are selected carefully and implemented throughfully, they can be used to lower risks and improve investment results. WCM goes beyond the financial statements and consider industry-specific ESG criteria that impact long-term financial results. A business with a competitive advantage that is mutually beneficial to multiple stakeholders is far more durable, often able to grow well beyond expectations. All funds incorporate these principles, and three specific ESG strategies were launched in 2020: two within mutual funds (non-US and emerging markets) and one as part of a global equity mandate.

Alliance Entreprendre

Total € 0.5 bn

WCM Investment Management

Responsible investment 82 %


Total € 66.9 bn

Sustainable investment < 1 % Responsible investment 100 %

In 2018, Flexstone Partners was created following the merger of three private investment entities: Caspian Private Equity, Euro-PE, and Eagle Asia Partners. (1)



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