NATIXIS -2020 Universal Registration Document

2020 NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REPORT Business line contributions to green and sustainable growth

for the structuring activity (proposal of tailor-made investment V solutions), when client constraints allow it and while maintaining performance, ESG considerations are integrated: in particular the selection of ESG indices and funds as sub-existing and carbon footprint offset services. For the management activity, NIM Solutions has developed a quantitative and qualitative internal ESG analysis methodology: definition of the investment universe by applying a quantitative V filter; proprietary scoring to identify the best ESG funds; V proprietary qualitative analysis (including ESG experience of the V investment team, ESG integration in the investment process of the underlying funds, voting practices).

AEW Capital Management is committed to integrating the 17 SDGs into the activities of the entire portfolio to ensure that its ESG program contributes to a more sustainableworld. This integration is monitored and measured by the ESG Committee and a third-party ESG consultant. The results are published each year in the sustainable development report. Vauban Infrastruture Partners , an affiliate specializing in infrastructure investments, invests for the long term to create sustainable value. Its investments mainly concern the energy transition (urban heating networks, charging stations for electric vehicles), social services (hospitals, schools), mobility (trams, high-speed train lines) and access to digital technology (roll-out of fiber optic networks). ESG issues are systematically analyzed for all assets using a proprietary methodology and this analysis is carried out in line with the SDGs. Vauban Infrastructure partners Total € 4.7 bn

NIM Solutions

Total € 58.7 bn

Sustainable investment 9 % Impact investing 5 % Responsible investment 11 %

Sustainable investment 100 % Responsible investment 100 %

In 2020, NIM Solutions launched a range of three SRI-labeled ESG funds (Natixis ESG Conservative, Natixis ESG Moderate and Natixis ESG Dynamic). This range gives clients access to all the socially responsible expertise of NIM affiliates in the form of funds of funds, whereas this type of offer is very rare on the market (only two funds of funds were previously labeled SRI). Natixis Assurances systematically includes an ESG-certified unit-linked product (SRI or Greenfin certification) in all new life insurance policies. These certified unit-linked products represented €1.75 billion at the end of 2020.

NIM International , which acts as a services and fund distribution platform, offers its clients a range of solutions combining the requirement of financial performance with robust extra-financial analysis. The ESG approach is applied according to the management activities: for assets under management delegated to affiliates, the ESG V approach is that of the affiliate in charge of management; for assets managed by NIM Solutions the ESG approach is based V on two pillars: responsible investment skills developed by several affiliates, and the rigorous selection of this expertise by the NIM Solutions teams;


2020 KEY EVENT Launch of a responsible individual retirement savings plan

In 2020, Natixis Assurances launched a new individual retirement savings plan (PERI) which offers an ESG approach incorporatingSRI-certifiedfunds. This plan is composed of three positive impact assets: a Euro fund that undertakes to invest at least 10% of V newpaymentsin assetswith a positive impact for the climate;

two unit-linked vehicles that incorporate ESG criteria: V environment: CO2 emissions, electricity V consumption, waste recycling, social:qualityof employer-employeecommunications, V employment of people with disabilities, employee training, governance:transparencyof executivecompensation, V fightagainstcorruption,increasingthe genderbalance on Boards of Directors.



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