NATIXIS -2020 Universal Registration Document


Business line contributions to green and sustainable growth

2020 KEY EVENT Mirova and France Active step up their actions in support of socially responsible companies For 25 years, France Active and Mirova have worked the Mirova Solidaire fund. In addition to its financial together to make the development of SSE companies commitment, Mirova is preparing an ambitious possible. Faced with the specific needs of these recovery and recapitalization program with France entrepreneurs in this period of crisis, France Active is Active. Thanks to the establishment of an ad hoc expanding its offer to companies wishing to relaunch partnership, Mirova will be able to co-invest on a themselvesvia its RelaunchPact, specific to this phase regular and structured basis alongside France Active with the Solidarity Breakdown Loan, endowed with Investissement, via the Mirova Solidaire and Insertion €30 million. Mirova contributes €1 million at zero Emploi Dynamique funds. interest rates over 18 months via financing supplied by

Social impact finance

Sustainable bonds raise funds that may only be used to finance or refinance a series of green or social projects (only social projects for social bonds). The projects financedby social bonds and sustainable bonds include vital infrastructure such as access to clean water, access to basic services like education and healthcare and maintaining or developing employment.

The volume of social bonds issued in 2020 amounted to $142 billion, almost eight times more than in 2019, and 18 times more than in 2017 ($7.9 billion), the year in which the Social Bonds Principleswere launched by the ICMA. The market is growing strongly but remains modest in size compared to the environmental bond market ($180 and $963 billion respectively for social and green bonds) (1) .

2020 KEY EVENTS Supporting our customers with innovative products to deal with the COVID-19 crisis

Natixis has been very active in the development of several emblematic types of financing to respond to this new type of crisis, but also to address the sustainable development Goals. In 2020, Natixis participated in the arrangementof the issues of 55 sustainable bonds and social bonds, and supported Unédic, CADES, IBRD, IsDB and the Walloon Region in their social bond issues related to the COVID-19 crisis. employees. Unprecedentedin terms of their scale, these schemes help to preserve the employment and income of more than one in two private employees in France, and to protect people affected by the particularly difficult economic context. CADES social issue: historical interest of investors In September 2020, as a structurer and order-maker, Natixis supported the Caisse d’amortissement de la dette sociale (CADES) in its first issue since the start of the health crisis, inaugurating its social bond program drafted in accordance with the Social Bonds Principles. This issue received a second opinion from VigeoEiris, which awarded it its highest rating (“advanced”), in line with best market practices.

The COVID-19 crisis has brought social considerations backto the forefrontof the thematicor impactfinancing market: while containment measures worsen poverty, exacerbate social inequalities and put a strain on the resilience of companies, Social bonds emissions were very well received by the market, as evidenced by the over-subscription of order books (three to seven times).

Inaugural social issues in the context of COVID-19 Natixis, sole structurer of Unédic’s social issue

Carried out as part of the Social Bond Principles of ICMA (2) , this issue represented to date (May 2020) the largest social bond ever issued in the world, all issuers combined. Worth €4 billion and maturing in 2026, the transaction was a great success with investors: at its close, the order book stood at €7.75 billion. This inaugural issue, which took place in the context of an unprecedented health and economic crisis, will mainly be dedicated to financing the crisis response measures deployed by Unédic: reinforcement of the traditional unemployment insurance schemes and the introduction of an exceptional activity mechanism partial covering more than 12 million private sector

Source Bmoomberg. (1) International Capital Market Association. (2)



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