NATIXIS -2020 Universal Registration Document


Business line contributions to green and sustainable growth

Thematic investment in natural capital

Since 2017, Mirova has had a platformspecializing in investment for change, and to protect local regions, biodiversity, soil and marine biodiversity conservation and natural capital. Mirova develops resources, with €510 million invested in natural capital. innovative investment solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate

2020 KEY EVENT Mirova: launch of a consortium on biodiversity impact measurement AXA IM, BNP ParibasAM, SycomoreAMandMirovahave come together in a consortiumto developmarket standardsin terms of biodiversity indicators. In May 2020, an Investors Statement on the need to measure the impact on biodiversity collected more than thirty signatures from major institutional investors around the world, representing more than €6 trillion in assets under management.This statementshowedthat there is an unmet demandfor quality researchto help investorsrespondto the biodiversity crisis. This statement follows a call for expressions of interest for a biodiversity impact measurement suitable for investment. The consortiumformed by Iceberg Data Lab and I Care & Consult was selected as the data provider. The tool, which is currentlybeing expanded,will enable investorsto integrateimpactson natureand biodiversityinto their risk assessmentsand research. In addition, the transparencyof the approachselectedwill positivelycontributeto the required convergence towards more standardand comparable indicators.

In response to the depletion of natural capital and land degradation as global issues (relating to food security, human life and ecosystems), the Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Fund is an example of the type of innovative public-privatepartnershipsneeded to finance the SDGs. The Fund was created by the United Nations (1) and Mirova as a source of transformative capital bringing together public and private investors to fund triple bottom line (economic, social and financial) projects that contribute to Land Degradation Neutrality. The LDN Fund will invest in three crucial sectors: sustainable agriculture, sustainable forestry, and other projects such as green infrastructure or ecotourism as opportunities arise. The LDN Fund aims to generate positive environmental and socioeconomic impacts alongside financial returns. By addressing land degradation, the LDN Fund aims to deliver the following benefits: improved livelihoods; V improved biodiversity. V The LDN Fund continued to raise funds throughout 2020 totaling $140 million. After supporting a first project in Peru in favor of agroforestry systems for small coffee producers, three land restorationprojects in 2019, Mirova invested in three new projects in 2020: a social enterprise that helps local populationsto plant. trees, an agroforestry project in Bhutan and a sustainable forestry company in Ghana and Sierra Leone. land degradation neutrality; V climate change mitigation; V climate change adaptation; V

The LDN Fund will use its investments to apply sustainable land management practices on 500,000 hectares of land around the world, to reduce CO2 by 35 Mt, and to create or improve jobs for over 100,000 people. Unhealthy oceans threaten all life on earth and have a particularly strong impact on small island nations and vulnerable coastal communities. Decades of poor management have led to the over-exploitation and degradation of ocean resources, in particular fish stocks and coral reef ecosystems. Improving the management of these natural resources can enhance productivity and operational efficiencyand generate attractive returns for all stakeholders. The Althelia Sustainable Ocean Fund (SOF) managed by Mirova, invests in companies that harness the ocean’s natural capital sustainably, build resilience in coastal ecosystems and create sustainableeconomic growth. SOF holds a mixed portfolio of assets in the sustainablemarine products sector, the circular economy and conservation. The fund focuses on emerging markets and small island nations. Launched in 2018, Mirova finalized in 2020 the fundraising of $132 million. The SOF is already committed to the financing of seven projects, in particular in 2020 the support for the development of Nextprotein (production of alternative insect-based proteins) or Recycling Technologies (supplier specializing in plastic recyclingtechnologies). Recent partnerships were established with Eunomia and KFW to promote a study on the circular economy in the Caribbean,where the recycling rate of plastics is currently among the lowest in the world. This collaboration will also enable the launch of a “blue carbon” project to support the developmentof mangroves, a strategic natural solution to mitigate climate change.

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). (1)



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