NATIXIS -2020 Universal Registration Document


Governance of Natixis at December 31, 2020

Henri Proglio Chairman of Henri Proglio Consulting SAS

Born 26/06/1949 Nationality: French Natixis Shares held: 1,000 Address: 9 avenue Mercier, 75008 Paris

KEY ADVISORY SKILLS A nationally and V internationally recognized industrialist; Expertise in managing large V corporations; Extensive knowledge V of strategic issues.

Non-Voting Member First appointed: Board Meeting of 04/04/2019 and ratified at the AGM of 28/05/2019 Term expires: 2023 AGM (a) Member – Compensation Committee First appointed (as non-voting member): Board Meeting of 04/04/2019 Member – Strategic Committee First appointed (as non-voting member): Board Meeting of 04/04/2019

Attendance rate in 2020

Board of Directors 73%

Compensation Committee 75%

Strategic Committee 100%

A graduate of HEC Paris, Henri Proglio began his career in 1972 at Générale des Eaux group (now Veolia Environnement), where he held various positions in Senior Management. In 1990 he was appointed Chairman and CEO of CGEA, a subsidiary specializing in waste management and transport. In 2000 he became Chairman of Vivendi Environnement (Veolia Environnement), and in 2003 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. In 2005 he was also appointed Chairman of the School Council of his Alma Mater, HEC. From 2009 to November 22, 2014, Henri Proglio was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF. Since 2015, he has been Honorary Chairman of EDF.

Other offices held in 2020: Chairman of Henri Proglio Consulting SAS (since 09/01/2015); V Honorary Chairman of EDF (1) (since 2015); V Member of the Board of: Dassault Aviation (1) (since 2008) , ABR V Management Russia (since 2014) , Akkuyu Nuclear JSC (Turkey) (since 2015) , Atalian (since 01/09/2017) , FCC (since 27/02/2015).

Compliance with rules governing the number of offices held

Afep-Medef code compliant

French Monetary and Financial Code compliant

Offices held in previous fiscal years





None V 2023 AGM called to approve the financial statements for the year ended 31/12/2022. (a) Listed company. (1)



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