NATIXIS -2020 Universal Registration Document

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Management and oversight of corporate governance

If a director or non-votingmember finds themselves in a conflict of interest, they must abstain from participating in any discussion within the Board of Directors, or the Special Committee if applicable, connected to the area of their conflict of interest; in such instances, they must abstain from the Board’s deliberationsand votes, and the section of the minutes related to the area of their conflict of interest are not submitted to their approval. Article 8: Information/Training All directors have a duty to learn and to ask, within the appropriate time frame, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and/or the Special Committees of which they are a member, to provide the informationneeded for the Board or the Special Committeesto take useful action on the matters on its agenda. In addition, all directors must receive training by attending, where necessary, the training modules provided by the Company. Article 9: Application of the charter Should a member of Natixis’ Board of Directors no longer be in a position to perform their duties in compliance with the charter, either for their own reasons or for any other reason including those specific to Natixis’ rules, they must notify the Chairmanof the Board of Directors, seek measures to remedy the situation, and, if none are found, suffer the personal consequences with respect to the performance of their duties. Natixis’ Chief ComplianceOfficer is available to each Boardmember for any questions about the Code of Conduct.

C – Integrity of directors and conflicts of interest

In accordance with regulations, a list of the functions performed by the corporate officers of Natixis is included in section 2.1.4 of this chapter. Disclosure of conviction To the best of Natixis’ knowledge, none of the members of the Board of Directors or Senior Management has been convicted of fraud, filed for bankruptcy, liquidation or receivership, convicted and/or punished by official or regulatory bodies, disqualified from acting as a member of administrative, management or supervisory bodies of an issuer, or from participating in the management or conduct of the business of an issuer within at least the previous five years. Conflicts of interest Members of the Natixis Board of Directors include BPCE (Natixis’ main shareholder) and employees or individuals holding other jobs within BPCE Group, particularly in the Caisse d’Epargne and the Banque Populaire banks. Natixis and its subsidiaries maintain business relations with BPCE and the entities of BPCE Group. Furthermore, members of the Natixis Board of Directors include independent directors belonging to third-party groups that can maintain banking or business relations with Natixis or its subsidiaries. To the best of Natixis’ knowledge, these situations do not affect those directors’ independence of judgment, decision, and action. When needed, the Internal Rules of the Board of Directors and the Compliance Charter set out a conflict-of-interest resolution system for all members of the Board of Directors. They also require Board members to notify the Chairman of the Board (or the Corporate Secretary of Natixis) of any conflict of interest and to abstain from participating in the part of the Board or Special CommitteeMeeting addressing the conflict of interest, and from voting on the corresponding resolution. In addition, there is no potential conflict of interest between the duties of the members of the Board of Directors towards Natixis and their private interests and/or other duties towards thirdparties. To the best of Natixis’ knowledge, there are no service agreements binding members of the Board of Directors or Senior Management to Natixis that could confer benefits according to the terms of such an agreement and that might by their nature compromise the independenceof members or interfere with their decision-making.




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