2014 Fall Newsletter

individual members. Details are in the newsletter!

It has been a busy few months and preparations are underway for the December TPP Seminar and 2015 Conference. Please review the newsletter for more in depth details of upcoming activities!

Your FCIAAO President,

Alice J. Weinberg

TPP Education Week

TPP Education Week will be held at the Orlando Marriott Lake Mary December 8th though December 11th and includes the 2 1/2 day IAAO workshop 551 and an educational seminar. FP&L has generously offered to support the FCIAAO Education Fund in order to bring respected IAAO instructor Kirk Boone, PPS to facilitate the workshop. TPP Seminar - The seminar portion of the TPP Education Week begins Wednesday afternoon, immediately following the workshop and ends at 1pm on Thursday. Sessions at the seminar will cover hot topics in the TPP world. Call for presenters! If you are interested in presenting at the seminar, please contact TPP Committee Chair Chris Mitts at 772-462-3331 or mittsc@paslc.org . The all-inclusive fee for TPP Education week is $175, Member/ $205, Non Member . Included in this fee are:

 IAAO Workshop 551 and required materials

TPP Seminar

 Networking opportunities with TPP Professionals

TPP Education Week will be held at the Orlando Marriott Lake Mary. Hotel rooms are $104/night (single) or $114/night (double) under the FCIAAO Group Rate. To reserve a hotel room, click here or call (800) 380-7724 and use the code TPPTPPA.

The deadline to register is Sunday, November 16, 2014.


Fall 2014 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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