2nd ICAI 2022

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2022

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

Environmental sustainability: the possibility of overload of electrical vehicles on power grid José Geraldo Romanello Bueno 1 , Michely Vargas Del Puppo Romanello 2 Mackenzie Presbyterian University 1 Faculty of Law, Civil Law Department Avenida Brasil, 1220, Prédio Administrativo, Jardim Guanabara, Campinas/SP Brazil São Paulo Catholic University 2 Faculty of Law, Civil Law Department Rua Monte Alegre, 984, Perdizes, São Paulo/SP Brazil e-mail: gromanello@usp.br 1 , michelydelpupo@hotmail.com 2 Abstract As pollution is increasing resulting in greenhouse gases and global warming the number of electric vehicles will increase. The inevitable energy crisis is one of the key reasons why green and renewable fuel technologies have advanced; but since the early 1960s, this transition has been promoted by the environmental lobby. Minimize emissions is a big tactical path for sustainable growth in the industry. These electric cars need to be recharged in evening or night, so the electric vehicles will demand more of the power grid during this period. This process will impact the network voltage profiles and loading of grid elements. Existing Grids were designed several decades ago, so will it be able to support this increased loading? Injection of electrical vehicle into the grid will also have an impact on power factor. As some consumers turn on or off their electric vehicles, the overall power factor changes. This must be considered as this impact the reactive power consumption. With increase in the number of electric cars, the loading characteristics of transformer changes. Will this be considered by the power plant or is it necessary to stablish a law to prevent this side effect? Keywords: environment, power grid, electric cars, sustainability law JEL Classification: K23 1. Introduction Electric mobility is advancing in the world’s major nations, such as China, the United States and the countries of the European Union such as Great Britain, Norway, The Netherlands, Germany and France. With a view to the global goals of decarbonization of the economy, these states focus on regulating the sector to create incentives not only for the consumption of these vehicles, but also for the improvement of the infrastructure and technology involved. The recent climate changes and global warming forced human beings to find alternatives to fossil fuels (Abo-Khalil et al., 2022). Although progress made in using renewable energy sources in several applications (Źabnieńska-Gora et al. , 2021) still not commonly used in the transportation sector that represents one of the main


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