2nd ICAI 2022

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2022

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

Another possibility of the tool is also the identification of specific critical tasks or operations. Given a certain number of records per second, a comprehensive view of the specific task performed is created and by recalculating the real time, it is possible to find the specific moment in which the position of a body part was ergonomically unsuitable. This approach allows the optimization to target specific performed operations that do not meet ergonomic standards. These individual operations or activities are further analysed and modified with the aim of ergonomic improvement. If the set limits are exceeded, it is necessary to speak about an adverse effect of the working positions on the health of the worker. Measures must be designed to reduce unacceptable positions to a minimum. This may involve changing the ergonomic layout of the workplace, acquiring suitable equipment, changing the working procedure, etc. In the case of virtual reality workplace design, optimisation can be carried out after testing the workplace and the costs associated with modifying the real workplace can be avoided. Once the appropriate measures have been taken and the ergonomic optimisation has been carried out, the virtual reality model is also redesigned. This new state of the model is then validated and verified to see if further iterations are needed or if the workplace is ergonomically suitable. A workplace that is validated as ergonomically suitable can then be implemented in real life. 4. Conclusion By using modern technologies, which consist in creating and testing a virtual model of the workplace and motion sensing, it is possible to detect deficiencies already in the pre production phase. With the right technological and design solutions, shortcomings can be minimised, thereby achieving significant financial savings for both manufacturing and non-manufacturing companies. Optimising the workplace in terms of ergonomics serves to increase safety, make work easier to perform and reduce worker fatigue, leading to increased productivity and the elimination of occupational diseases. Working on a virtual reality model of the workplace saves considerably on acquisition costs and possible changes. The methodology procedure is standardized and can be applied repeatedly according to customer demand. Software for the evaluation of ergonomic measurements is currently being developed. Over the years there will be continuous development and refinement of the virtual reality workplace design method using MoCap to increase the efficiency of methodology progress. Acknowledgements This article was supported by the internal grant of the University of West Bohemia number SGS-2021-028 entitled Developmental and training tools for the interaction of man and the cyber-physical production system. Disclosure statement: No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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