2nd ICAI 2022

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2022

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

Figure 4: The principle of operation of sensors

Source: Tamayo, 2019 (https://www.scania.com/content/dam/scanianoe/market/sk/experience scania/pictures/press-releases/2019/10/nakladne-vozidlo-bez-kabiny---predstavujeme-koncept scania-axl/Ako-senzory-v-koncepte-Scania-AXL-nahradzaju-ludske-oko_SK.pdf ) 2.4 Ship transport The prototype of the autonomous ferry was developed by a team from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. In the full version, the ferry called “Autoferry” will be able to carry at least 12 passengers across the canal, along with their bicycles or prams. If there is no autonomous ferry on the given side of the canal when arriving at the pier, passengers will be able to call it at the touch of a button. During passenger pick-up and unloading, the ferry automatically charges the battery using chargers installed in docking stations. As soon as the ferry picks them up, it will start navigating independently towards the opposite side of the canal. It uses the on-board GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) for orientation and is assisted by four integrated sensors: radar unit, infrared camera, optical camera and LiDAR laser light detection and tracking technology, which creates a 3D map of the surroundings and allows the system to avoid other vessels. Additional sensors are located on the shores and help with wireless data transmission to the ferry. The developers hope that the autonomous electric ferry Autoferry will get into full operation sometime within the next year. Meanwhile, the remote-controlled prototype is being tested at half scale. He will cover 100 meters from one shore to another in one minute. If pedestrians decide to cross the canal over the nearest bridge, it will take 10 to 15 minutes. The construction of another bridge would allegedly cost more than the operation of an autonomous electric ferry and, in addition, would disrupt shipping traffic (Mališka, 2018).


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