2nd ICAI 2022

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2022

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

Chart 2: Average BEV maximum operation range, depending on route type [km]

Source: Research data

4. Comparison of BEV and ICE energy consumption During the study, a conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) car was also driven alongside the battery electric vehicle (BEV). That made for a good opportunity to compare the energy consumption of the aforementioned BEV (Hyundai Kona) and the ICE Opel Astra J (88 kW) equipped with 1.4 l turbocharged gasoline engine. The calculations consider 1 litre of gasoline to be equivalent to 8.9 kWh of energy. Data for the summer season are compared.

Chart 3: Comparison of BEV and ICE energy consumption values, depending on route type [kWh/100 km]

Source: Research data

5. BEV charging There is another issue that is frequently brought up as well as essential for the BEV operation, which is the traction battery charging. The current legislation (IEC 61851) recognizes four charging modes (mode 1 to 4), three of which use alternated current (AC) and the fourth one uses direct current (DC). 5.1 AC charging mode The AC modes feature low purchase costs of the charging infrastructure (compared to the DC mode), but their charging power is severely limited. That means they are only


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