2nd ICAI 2022

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2022

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

theoretical knowledge in a practical business decision-making process. It is obvious that simulation has another function, namely the transposition of theoretical knowledge to the application level. Increasing of the soft skills level. During the simulation, teamwork increased the level of soft skills in 86% of students. These include the development of communication skills, the ability to argue their solutions, the ability to coordinate, fulfil team roles, the ability to listen, be responsible for the whole, share success and failure in the team, self management and time management, strengthening the entrepreneurial spirit. Different involvement during simulation in comparison to frontal teaching. The intensity of students’ involvement in teaching is one of the important determinants of learning. Active involvement significantly increases the ability to acquire and especially retain the transferred knowledge. The results show that for 94% of students, simulation is a form of teaching, thanks to which they are much more involved than in frontal teaching. Degree of compliance simulation environment with real business environment. In order for simulation to have the desired effect for students, it is necessary to monitor the extent to which the simulation environment is close to the real world. It is clear from the essence of the matter that computer simulation cannot capture the diversity of real life and must abstract from many. Nevertheless, software developers must strive to mimic reality as much as possible. It is clear from the answers that both SWs are doing relatively well in this respect. A total of 30% of students consider the agreement to be unequivocally adequate and 58% of students favour “Rather yes”. Focus on the actual situation of the automotive industry. This question reflects students’ views on whether the simulations used include current automotive challenges, such as electrical driven cars, autonomous and connective driving, creating of strategic partnerships, robotics and other current trends. In 84% of cases, students believe that simulations contain these issues and students are forced to solve them in the decision making process. Simulation as a tool for future job preparation in the automotive. An important aspect of the survey was to find out if students believe that using simulation in their teaching can help them prepare well for their future careers in the automotive industry. A total of 78% of students believe that this type of teaching contributes to the preparation for future careers. On the contrary, 14% of students answer that the simulation is rather unprepared and 8% of students are convinced that this tool is not beneficial in terms of preparation for future employment. Identification of areas with earned skills. During the survey, attention was focused on the identification of areas, subjects in which students developed skills due to participation in the simulation. In 90% of cases, it is about improving project management and team management skills, with about three-quarters of students declaring improvements in marketing knowledge, supply chain management, planning and product development. Half of the students improved in innovation Management, for a third of the students participating in the simulation was a way to improve their skills in accounting and quality management. Future internship or job in the automotive industry. The penultimate question aims to find out students’ interest in combining their future work experience with


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