ProRodeo Sports News - November 17, 1999


lmking for. Cent 21, Ropp & Asn. l8l7) 55&l 641 . tEXAt SHOW PLACI 495 AC Owned, Alr 600 AC leose lond ovoiloble. ldml for hores or coille. 5.300 so. ft.Victoriqn coun try style home. Poris, Texis $749,000 Coll owner ot 1903] 7855800. VACATION R:SORI - Sonlee Cooper, loke Morion - Sou$ Corolino. 2 ocre loB on Sontee Conebroke. Besl fishing - hunting - golf. $7,000 eoch. Coll Honierl 1800) 633- 2t 83. ffi BROI{C riding schml given by Derek Clork I 4 NFR ouolifier. Reserye sooce now oosi- tions go {uick. limited number of studlnt. (9r8) 3264480. BULIS "R" US B.S. Sloos brck storb here. "No Excures.' l.e6i;T;T]E.Y iorid-irc bulli yeor round. Shorty, Don Horn 2730 Killebrew Drive. Poplle ldoho 83661 1208) 6 42-226 4 / 6 42- I 8Z4.www. BUI.t NIDING/BUtl;IGHTING SGHOOTS Spring/Foll ressions. Previous lnst. Clint Bronger, Scoll Breding, Terry Don Wost, Loyd Kelchum, Rob Smefs, lorry loncoslere Rodm Schols. 1800] 333471 6. WOR1D CHATITPION GARY LI;FEW lutl RIDINO SCHOOL Spend 21 doys troinino wifi the #l instructor in the worldl Beginnier/odvonced. Enrollment limited. OARY IE;TEW 2T DAY PN.OGRA'VI. Creote new hobit/breok old ones mentolly/physicolly. First 2 studenls won $4,100 while still oltending. GARY IITfAil BUU nlDING SC}IOOL 3 & 5 doy schhol $375. PO. Box 5lZ5 Sonto Morio, CA 93456. 1805) 929"4286. Send {or complete info. ROPE IIYERS STEER wresllino schools. Eosterfhonksgiving in Tyler, TX. T22S plu $75 for horse. Sieer swers olso owiloble. 1903]' 963-7047 . I 050 County Rd, VZ 1502,Yon,n75790. SANKEY RODEO SCHOOIS, "There is o difference. Conlocl us to leorn morel" Phone/FAX '/171 33 4-25 I 3. Borebock, Soddle Bronc, Bull Riding, Bullfighting. SANKEY nODtO SCHOOLS, 3943 Sycomore Church Rood, Bronson, MO 65616. Dotes yeor round, lcotions nolion widel E-moil: Web site: hilp://ww. SANKEY RODEO SGHOOL, Kingmon, Kon., Nou 2O28; despoii due 11/12; BB, 58, BR, CI.N.BF SANKEY RODEO SGHOO!, New Corney, Texos, Kon., Dec. l8-20; Despoit due I 2/4; BB, SB, BR, CINIF SANKEY RODEO SGHOOI, Pine Bluff, Ark. Da. 21-23; Deposit due 122; BB, SB, BR, CI.NBF SANKEY RODEO SGHOOL, Rose Hill, Kon., De. 22-30; Despoit due 12/13; BB, SB, BR, CLNBF WORID CHAIIPION BUllllDER" Tery Don West Schmls once o month 1999 truck given woy end of yeor 19 1 8) 652-880 I STEER WRESTIING SGHOOT- lnslruclors: Dole Denton, Myron Morehoue. Nov 2628. Midwoy Ronch, West lebonon, lnd. Coll 765893-8&5 or 765.762A504. noDEo scEooLs CUSIOM SIwERIiTORK Much more hon buckles - Your design or mine - Jewelry, knives, money clips, bils, spurs, etc ... Beou Compton lZl91 495-3557 Colo. Springs, co AlffESOllE WE9IERN WEB SIIES creor ed for the Western World, references ovoil- oble. outwestdesign@ 1303) 692- 4757 -Colllodoy AKC AUSTRATIAN CATT1E DOGS {Guenslond Heelen} Shipping dogs world wide. Chompion & lmporled blodlines. DC Enterprises, lnc. P.O. Box 358, Colcord, OK 74338.19181326l,480. AKC PEIIBROKE WETSH COROIS Chompion ond lmported Bloodlines. Shipping dogs notionwide. lots of Cow. DC Enlerprises, lnc. PO. Box 358, Colcord, OK 74338. 191813264480. AKC SCHIPPERKEE PUPS Lindo Russell, Coll now ond get fte pick of $e litter. P.O. Box I 100. Folsom, CA 95263. 15301 676 I I 52 office. AKC & UKC JAGK RUSSEI!. Excellent quolity, chompion blmdlines, sbndord size. Mofier hove grml ottitudes. Excepiionol peis puppies woilobb. Most of the iime. liOll 24&7359 AI.t AROUND IN,AVEI AGENCY Cowboy hoi line l-800{63O689. For NFR pockoges 14061 8834222 or A full sewice lrovel ogenry hot understonds cowbop. Kotie Lyonrcwner. "BACK STAGE WIH A RODTO CIOU'T{." Fomily enterbinmeni - rhmh, foin, poris, cor wnlions, ewnt puuicily. Duone Reichet HC8l, Box 2/, New Underwood, SD 57761. MISCEI.LTNEOUS

door focilities, colf/teom roping horses, bes) stinup lmthere, fiberglos stimps, bull youth to pro. PO 8ox 233, Duiont, OK ropes, spu6, chops, chompion equip. lZll 74702.1580192L3200. 2924649.

16051e855s75/ (60s1 347J7e3.

Redmond, WA 98073-0468 {425) 885- 0005. W Woshousol, WA 98671. {360)8359250. JAIIES IAIN, PO Box 168, logon, UT 84323. l/35]17 52-2589. I 5-time NFR- Photogropher, Neg. on file bock to I 966. CHUCK GOERKE PHOTO, 478I4 N Kelley Rd,, New River, AZ 85027. {6021465563r. HUBBEIL RODEO PHOTOS Don ond Jody Hubbell "We Trorel With fie Cowbq6' NFR Phologropher, 4921 E l9h St, Cosper, - The Rodeo Speciolists. Jeff Belden & Anito Dekon. Full time pros - centrolly locoted, PO. Box 75820, Colo. Sprins, CO 80970. 13031 884554r. @ Belh Jennings. lhe Cowboys' Phoiogropher. PO Box 1066, Sonoro, TX 26950. le15l38Z-2 re4. JJJ PHOTO - lomes Svobodo t.2406 I St, Ord, NE 68862 Phonel3O8) Z28J2Z8 wY 82609 {307)265.r692. JB PHOTOGRAPHY iREEIANCE PHOTOGMPHIR Fronkie scofield. 505-253"4222. DICK SQUIRT PHOTOGMPHER" I4O1 Wochtler Ave. Mendoto Hts., MN 55118. Bw. 16511 457-9860 Res. 165l) 45!7121 Negotives since 1 98 1 . RIDUY PHOIOGRAPHY. Robe* Ridley, 402 DeSchepper St., Morohqll, MN 56258. 1507)532-3435. Negolives on file since 1978. FIY I}|OTYIAS - Professionol since 1976. Advonced light system. 'Hove comero, must trovel". PO. Box 13133, Oklohomo City, OK 73113 1405) 840-2400 Emoil: Fox# {405) 848-8307 ffi Crossed weekly ond delivered 300 miles north of Border. Sleers ore reody to use. Buyers choice. Coll Don Fisher {915)523- 7128, (9151 5231t2e. AIIERICAN BUCKING LAWIISS PI{OIOGRAPHY, Rodm pho togrophy, Eill Lowless,6lZ N. Zth Sl. Brcwster, WA 98812 (5091689-4201 IRED NYUf 55Y, Mogno Photo, 480 N. Winchester Blvd. #2, Sonlo Cloro, CA 95050. 140812462404. BEFORE YOU BUY FRESH sreers coll obout our much cheoper previously roped Cotrienle sleers. Any size - you pick'em. Smith Bros, Productions. Coll lim (9401 565. 0886 or {940} 367O091 BIGHORN IEGENDS NODEO CATTTE Breeding Progrom, Bloodlines ovoiloble: Bodocious, Grosshopper, Oscor, Red lighlning, Wrongler Rivet, White Sports Cmt. Bulls, heifere, bred cows for sole. {302) 762.353s. NFR/PBR OUAIITY PROVEN BtrcKNG BUllS - For sole ond subleqse. lnquire obout breeding progrom. Morvin Nixon, Rocking "A' Rodeo Compony, Route l, Box 4, Fredom, Oklo., 73842. 58M21- 3207 BRONCS & BUILS fOR SAI,E. Chorlie Thompson {806179423 I Z. BUCKING BUlt fOn SA[E. Young prospects & seosoned bulls. Rowdy Fitzgerold 1504) 229-8403. Kentwood, louisiono €ORRIENIE CANU NACA REG|SERED - (no longhorn infuence) cows, poirs, bulls, sters, heifers; com deliver Buck Mc Admos. 15801 29&3786 PO. Box 354 Antlers, OK 74523 toR sAu - c-t RoDEo coiltPANY - Esloblished business, Iivestck, W-W oreno, feedlot, lond & equipment. Serious inquires only.1806179L2317. ROPING CAIVES. Precondifioned@ occli- moted in nodhern climoe. Omoho DIK 14021 29&8383 Plottsmouth Neb- cross reody to rope. 50 Longhorn coG with Corriente cross colves. Jim Shoulderu (9181 652-7582 Morvin Shoulder {91 81 650- 01 37. 92 BUCKING BULL PROSPECTS - FI Cros (Herford cows,/groy bromho bulh) 28 3-yeorolds, 1,250 pounds; 64 2-yeorolds, 1,350 pounds. Hugh Cmpr, PO. Box 683, Tucumcori, N.M. 88401. 505-461-1874 {phone} 505461-1 909 (fox) ffi on the ronch. Greot borrel or roping prospect. $4,500. {5091 365J210. HORSES FON STI,E I,IVESTOCK FOR SILE volue USA office STOCK of vur buck- offi'ce (501) {3061 538- ROPER.S - 150 GORIEME - lonq horn REGI$IY. lncreose fie ing ond breeding slock. 745-2999. Conodion 44n.

ffUST SEIL 40' Self contoined oosnck. 26; living with 12' corgo, nedioinl. Coll TommyJe Lucio ot {814 832-8582. NO BUU RODEO KUIPIIENT. Custom choos. lmther ooods. circuil owords. bull- topir, rrpt"t" !odr. Endored by PBR, NFR World Chompions. RRI Box l6 Kennelh, MN 56147 1504 283.9675 PROVEN ANI'$41 ACIS FOR SALE: Mule romon riding oct, 2 ouhionding trick dogs ond filler roined gmt. Coll Tommy Je l-ucio ot l8lZl 832€582. PORTABTE BLEACHERS lor Renr ony event. Coll |9091 8774595 Tom Mitchell i7597 Sonto Ano, Bloomington, CA 92316. R AND R GUSTOIi TRAI1ER COIWERSIONS. I-ivino ouoriers insiolled to your specificotions. AIso complete troiler repoir. Conlocl Rondy Welh. Solodo, TX 125t].947.8n5. RANK BU]I RIDING ROPES. Anv Plott 'sotisfocfion Guoronteed". Billy Anderson, Box 172, Tunico, 1A70782. Ph: 12251 655- 4692 ofter 8 p.m. RESISTOT BTACK GO]D HATS - $259+s/h. Coll obout other hob. We occept Mostercord, Viso, Discover, Americon Express. Nigro's Weslern Slore 1800) 521- 3330. Rl @lN BAGS - soddle bronc bogs - rope bogs - luggoge. lZ colors, monogroming ovoiloble. Custom bog designs. 26550 Hwy. 36 E. Red Bluff, CA 96080 1530) 592-21 55 llAUPlN BRONG SADDIE3 & Stinup Lxkers l775l7V-9167. sAr.rsBURY SADDIE CO. 18001 356- 1420 SIE:I CtOl rN BAIREIS. Custom mode inpodded with floor ond hondles $790. lnside podded $250. Outside podded $ 1 50. Rory Meeks 13 1 91 85A.73n . SOUD HEADING HORI9E: God lmkins 1 250 lbs. AQHA Polomino geld. Con not be out run, scores greol, con win ol ony level. I 00% sound. 151 21 7 86261 3 sTuFrED PHOTO BUtr/CUsTOfli TMIIER, comeros, ond misc equipmenl. Good lncome. Proven shows. $10,000. 1435]1 6744905 STUFIED PHOIO BUll: Broymer bull, comero, lights, mis. equipmenl iir encloed lroiler $10,000 18l6) 38G4154 WANTED - B-"kl'lq Chu"r f"r r.te . hode - excellent El T6ro bucking mochine, Torleton Rodeo lssciotion, {254) 96&9i 87 WHM WEILOOK, NED $ITCHED T5" SADDIE. Used for omericon flog preente tion - Trick horee. $600 Greot shope. {901) WI|oUSAIE DRMNG HAINESS. New, oll leother ond bross. Horse size $150. COB, $145, Donkey $135. Smoll pony $100 ond miniolure hones $l 15. We UPS. l94r) 47s.5r53. Fr- MUSIC & SOUND ffi color of the best Bob Wilk. Feoturinq Bob Wills Doy Turkey TX. 12 songs $20i Box 28602, Dollos, TX 75228 or http://w.fostlone.netl-rhinkle/index I .sht ml. DOVE PRODUCIIONS. Event Music: rck- n+oll, hot country, inskumentols, pre-show ond sound effects. Moke your nexl rodeo come olive. Summer dotes / references qvoil 853-9688 Noncy McEnoney oble. 15051 327-3481 RODEO ROUGH PRODUCIION. #l in sound & music. "Full Producfion sound & music rodeo style" Computer generoied music. Sound production ol 1 99 First Frontier Circuit Finols & DNCFR. Coll John or Benie Bendele {210) 410-9502 or 12l0} 601. 091 0. 5&D i,lUSlC & SOUND PRODUC- flONS. Moke sure your rodm onnouncer & speiolty oct ore understod, not iust heord. Concerl quolfiy sound. All rodo erent music provided. 1580) 362-2210 SOUND 8Y DONNA SUE: Bring your rodeo lo o new level with our'Sound of Music" producfion. Colilornio ond Mt. Stotes Circuit Finols. 1972]' 672-8296. 1214]l 914- 6232, Emoil: prcrodm in SOUNDSWEST PRODUCTIONS. Complete Sound System ond/or music for your spciol erenh. "Best vorief of music in the businessl" NFR produclion experiencel References ovoiloble. 1254]1 965-2998 REf,I' ESTf,TE ffi Stephenville, TX, 162 ocres, indmr ond out- door orenos, 4 houses $1,275,000. Coll Mike Con ot Brmks Reol estole {800} 631- 9898 owN A PTECE O; TEXASI 4-3.5-2-2 Victorion home, pool, born, 175 ocres, tonks. $425,000 Cleburne, TX Cqll Cqrol Gor, Cent. 21, Ropp & lsm. (8lzl 55& t6a1

BARREI, CA1F ROPING, TEAIT ROPING, BUI.TDOGGING HORSES. Quolity individuols, reosonoble prices, yeor round ovoilobiliiy. Also Fresh Coniente steers, cheop! Dmrs Performonce Horses,, 1806) 4356441, Penyon, TX BIG GRAY HEEI HOnSE - l0-yeorold more, gende, goodJooking. Priced cheop. Must sell $2,500. Gooseneck troiler, $2,400. Soddle, $1,000. 580-223-4258 oK. BIJCI$IG HOISES ;OR SAll, stu&, brood morcs, geldings frm $1,500 b $15,000. Dorg Vold 14031 93&2201 o Hmy Vold fl19| 94& 2163, Darinlon Al, CN. BIJCKIIIIG I{ORIES AND BRED IUN$ - For rle. Top bucking hore blodlines. Jim Mek 605"462{484. lnierior, S.D., 5750 BUTIDOGGIN' AND HAZIN' HOR!5ES for sole oi oll times. Good in lhe corner 100% sound. 1605]' 4624290. CAIF AND TEA'VT ROPING HON,SES. Alwoys o gmd selecfion suitoble for begin ners to pro. For quolity horses coll Zone Tibbets, experience & know how counts. ls20l 421.2s89 Ottnrl6l CAlr llOlSE - l0 teor old gelding {APHAI. Beginners to Pro's. Coll Don or Dole Struthers (5091 542-1537. EXPEruENCE4 READY GAT' HORSES. 8 yeor old gelding, l0 yeor old registered more, I yeoi old point more. Priced to sell. Lyrndel Wolere, evenings 19l81 371'2061 CAU TIORSE/HEEUNG SORRET IiARE - Z yr. LF. by "The Hot Expres" out of Otes Wonder" doughter lsister to PRCA colf horre of the yeor) AGHA poinls in colf roping, rores gmd, exlremely fost. Reody b rodo. 243-96&7161. CANADIAN BUCKING HORSES . 30 hsqd-4yarold mores nol bred. 250 hmd to choose from. Allen Girletz, Colgory, Conodo, 4032264757. DAVID FE1TON ROPING I{ORSIS. Eoughttroined-sold. Excellent condiiion ond focility for koining. Rodeo hores woiloble yeor round. Weotherford, TX {8]71 599- 2880. DFelton@Cowbop tl ISHY PAINI GEIDING. 4 yr old, rqnch working, oreno speed, excelleni disposition, unlimited potentiol. 13071 282-7383 Video woiloble. PRO'ESSIONAI TN,AINING AND SAIES, futurity colts to finished horses, bor. rels ond bom roping. Clinics ovoiloble. Visit Brown Quqrler Horees. 1970) 4934953 or [brown26Z3 RODEO PICKUP HOISES, used in oreno & on fie ronch. Aho borel & rope horses prospecls used on lhe ronch. Hoffmons's 1208) 3745343 Dubois, ldoho. SE1UNG IO IOP BUCI(INO HORSES. i0 top bullt. $900 eoch ovoiloble. Sept. 20, 1999. Been in Rodm Business 43 pore. 13 1 61 5 A5-7 47 4 EQUIPMENT ffi Cummins isped. Poc Broke 13,000 miles. Running boords, grille guord, kitchen in bock, owning, soteliile TV Brond new 719- 27 5-9 512 wk, 7 19-275-478 t home. t995 SUNDOI TNER { HOnSE S|ANT, I'X27' , reor lock, monoger, drop down dmrs w,/screns; full [4, o-ir, furnoie, sofo, owning, excelleni, $44,900. 1970) 493- 0953 tCOl. 1994 AtUi .6/slont Sundowner l2Joot ook living, lorge bolh, mid/reor tck, 8 sod dle rocks, monogers, drop down windows, heovy duiy lorsion oxles, owning, excellenl, $45,000. 53G233-366 1 . 1.n5, 43" 3/SLANT SUNDOWNTR, Complete living quorlers, generotor solor, oven, ronge, microwove, couch, booth, cop toin choirs, lorge both, office/dressing, like new. (5231 9965350 l5z3l 99636i 8 17 I/2 I]I|CH - bronc soddle for sqle. Coll or lewe messoge. Chris 903477-1 606. grcsneck 8x2y' lforl slont lmd;Iull living quorlers, oir, furnonce, owning, rehigerctor; '1996 low miles. 909-7358416. iudyhoree brown@netscope. nel 4X4 DOOGT OT ILAWCONVERSION - 28Joot Motorhome Promo Looded. 6sp hons.cummins turbo 20&84 l -5849. 1997 ONE IIORSE nflEn- Sinole enclosed, excellenr. $l,8OO. 18l'61 4 HORSE ALUIIIINU'Ii SIANT IOAD pull troiler, double woll construction sliding *indo*t 6n both sides. News torsion oxeii & custom whels. $9000. (5591 431-2780 Fresno, Colif. 4-HORSE SUNDOWNER - Aluminum 3922 UrCl(N' HORSES ^,lonluno blmdlins {AllAgesl {406) 4296761 roisd. Fondolio

AmNflON lROttlG RlDERli- teornto build your om bronc soddles. 180O257- 2269. 8An poid 13r6) Z CUSIOII BUIJXOPES. Toking per order for 1999 12811 752-7475 or 223-9973. BARSIOW RIGGINGS, Bull Ropes, Chops. Ewryhing for fie probssionol cow. boy. 1800) 255O105 BEASTIIASTER RODIO PRODUCIS, lNG. Formedy Jock Word Custom Riggins. Speciolizinq in Borebock Riggins. Hondling oll you, ,o"rgh stock needsl"Abbie gloves ovqiloble. Dennis Schmidr 17 19]' 547-9203. BOOT, SHOE & TAGK REPAIR SHOP. Will sell compete business wilh inventory, building or port. troining, supplies included. Clmn Texos ronching / forming communily. (806) 435-644 l, EOOT SCIGK - oremium wsbm bot salc ot oudet prices. Send $3.93 +3.00 s&h to: MMC Enterpriss - depl PR, PO. 745801, Aryodo, CO 80006. BROKEN ARROW JONDAN IDITION BRONC. Soddle. Choriotte Schmidt bonel rocers. Still being mode by Allon Puroley. Custom chops. l810l 2 57 2269 BRONC SADDIES, HALTERS, slinup leothers, buck reins, cinches, chops. Coll ofter 5pm or wrile, Lorry's Soddle Shop, 2500 Wmd, Vernon, 1X76384. (9401 552- 5849. CAII-IYNG PRACICE Dummy, Full-sired, solid wod consfuclion, mode by colf roper $ I I 5 - includes shipping 48 siotes. Dino Behre: 1405)547-5515. Rt.2 Box 1397, Perkins, OK 74059. - microwwe, gos slove, ice box, shower & comods, Ary 1 1,000 BTU heor&on {814 6416151 1814312- 6t5r {9t5) 859-2267 NCK CARPTNIEN SADDURY BRONC SADDIES, Slinups leothers, elc. 87 46 Grogg Rd. Millington, TN 38053 {901} 829- 2194 DICK CARR PRO RODEOS most renowned bull riding rope moker - top quoli- ty - Coll me 1580t225-3208. Box l8 Elk city, oK 73648. BROI{C SADDII - 163/4 GC X-ho siir- rup leothers. Borslw Bronc Mogic. Excellent condition. 805-988471 {lewe messogel. RAIPI{ SHIIYION - Soddlerv Hondmode Soddles. Guoronteed to fit pu, your horee ond mule. Vidmtope. Rolph Shimon 288 Rmd 5 Thermopolis, Wyo., 82443-9440. 307.864.2274. GHATROIEI IRUCKS - Medium duf crew cobs, extended cobs ond regulor cobs, olso one lons, speciol pricing for PRCA members. Coll Dwe McGe, (800)462-8232 or l8l6) 6284622Kearnq,lltO. CIRCU B'S RODEO EQUIP., Bronc sod dles, bulhiding gloves & chops worn by PBR & PRCA contestonts. Cotologs. Dusly Eonett, 391 Goodmon Rd., Fl. Ann, NY 12827 {s1 81 639-8353. DAVE DAHI, IROM SADDIIS rode by SD. CAPil CAT,IPER top pro cowbop. Doe Dohl, Ft. Piene, 1605]'2232e58 EL TORO BUCKING 'IIACHINE EUCIRrcAI/ ITiECHANICAL smd condi- lion. ln service $7,500 OBO (941) 694 5 1 00 or {94 1 1 6945654 El TORO BUCKING IIIACHINE . Greot for koining on broncs & bulls in use every doy. $7,d00. Roberts Western Outfitters l78s)762,3304 EXCETTENT PAINT TR.ICKN.IDING llAll, 2 nice white trickriding soddles / br'r dles, set nice romon teom pods / bridles, nice olumium clown bonel, beoutiful sequin costumes. (573) 9965350 1573) 9963618 FASMNE H.E. - SEllJltG Coppefimd mognelics, Americon Hol Compony, Mognum rope, lwister oluminum horse hoil- ers. Monufoclurino: Flonk-nJie coll or ooot dummies, cowboyt bobysitler. Mot Ycf,om (9r8) 531.25s0.

BUTTS "R" US VIDEO TAPE "NO EXCUSES $35 K.E.Y. to ridino is in this !pe. Vir. Shoriy, Don Horn 2730 Killebrew Drive. Poyette ldoho 83661 1208]1 642- 2264 / 642-1 87 4.w. BUU$DERS, get befer holds wift troncis Wilson's bull riding rowels, different styles ovoiloble. Deolers welcome. Coll me {3081 254-5395. 2449 rd. 105, Sidney, NE 69162. CAlt ROPERS! Ef{eclive, bul prmf prolec- tion for roping cohes. Soved cqfues mokes ii humone ond cosl effeclive. For flyer: (208) 522J98s CHIIDREN'S BOOK PUBIISHER wonts pholos to illushote rodm events. Will poy $25 for mch phoo published. Contocr John A. Johnrcn, Box 565, Alomedo, CA 94501. WANTED - Shore booth ot Cowboy Chrislmos during NFR. Ned phone line ond rmm for smoll toble for computers. Coll l- 88M6&r302. COIOR DO Ell( CArllP'99. Steombmt Springs orm! finest elk hunting/fishing, sum mer pock hips, now booking summer/foll seoson. Contqct owner,/world chomp J.C. lxl4 signed by Christ/orli$. Only 100 produced music-video, $20. Kent/Box 69ps BRF, W1 54615 $35. Posrpoid. T OWBOY BLfiS" VIDEO, lhe perfect giftl Moil chak for $9.95 + $3 S&H to:Rel Cowboys PO. Box Z5Z9 Breckenridge, CO 80424. COWBOY JOKE BOOKS. "50 Yeors Beside The ChuteJ' "Ihe Second Go'round' The Bull Ges On" $7.50 eoch moiled pra poid. tymon White Box 189 Long Pine, NE 69217. ENTER UPll - RODEO tOG BOOK lpee wees lo pros cll erentsf lexos rodeo mops, Bodocious producb, colendors, mogozines, cords & more. Free cotolog 1800) 780- RIDE{7433) l,ou Mollory. LAS VEGAS HORSE ilOlEl - Beckridge Ronch, neor the Thomos ond Mock Cenler Hove occomodoted NFR horses post three yeors. Coll Gino or Dick Beck, l-80O704 8127 - Sundoy, Dec. 5. Roping chute second lier Yolondo 612-832- 3749. NFR PACKAGE - Dec. 2d, 3 nights hotel, 2 nights rodeo tickeb $450. 580237-2929. NFN IIRST WEEKEND PACKAGES. Prices per couple. Two performonces, two nights hotel . $334 or $400. Thre perfor monces, ltre nights honl - $448 or $570. Coll 5096243711. PRO RODEO tvtlNlSTRlES - Cowboy Church services ond Christion rodeo out- rmches. Fre monthly newslettr by Coy D. Huffmon . Speciol pricing on leotherbound Bibles. Visit our we sile ol prorodeomin- or coll: 1520].682-8271. RODEO PRODUCTS CATAIONG - videos, music, decols, potches, khirls, fod ing cords, bumper stickers, hotpins, signs, posters, geor, more. $2 refundoble. Ken's Box 69PS BRF, W, 54615 RODEO ROAD CODE M)VELby Howord Pitzen. Stompede Press, Rt l, Box 145A, Effie, MN 56639. $14.95. PP Minn Res. 065 S.T., wholesolers, retoilers. {2181 743- 3893. RODEO STARS, AITOGNAPH BOOK I l2 cowboys, color photos, biogrophys. Money bock guoronle. Send $20. Rodeo Stors, PO. Box 201, Bruneou, lD 83604 P08]l84s2727. SAVE IO PERGENT ON NTR, AIRfANE. l-888-353-2929 ofter 8:30 o.m. Eostern. lv{ention ldenliftcotion Code DMNI 29973A. Reslriciions opply. BOB l |EGNER - Bull spurs 19& Worldt Chomp. Biggest money winner l0 ymr pri- od 1 95666. 45doy money bock guoronlee. (8301 7ed3663 T ruiillo 197 0l 87 9 -2457 CHRIS IIDOUX COTOR PRINI - 1 TWO NFR TICKCTS


oxle. mokers of the Douo Clork Rooer. Veoch 618- Soddlery Co., lnc., iOl I E. 23rd, Trenton, @ line of bronc ridino eouiot. Fre coblmue- All new redesignet triej some greot rio,k monship. PO. Box 842 Riwrlrcn, WY 82501 {3048564717 W

MO 64683. {6601359"3592.

t-S SADDTERY Prolessionol bronc riding equipment. lz85l 625-8738. JEfF lIilAnE HANDI|IADE Bll5, bronds & spurs. Coll for cohlogs 1602], 9795127. Borrel horses for sole olso. ' Other Brother

ROPING ]IORSE soles & lesrcns/schml, indmy'out

BARRY BURK koining. Privote

RETOCATING TO TEXAS? Coll Corol point. Gorr to help you find he ploce you've been

ASSOCIAflON BRONC 9ADDLES, {the Dory1" stud sewice. Block/white overo

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