Offshore Energies Magazine - Issue 55 Spring 2023


Energy Exports Conference 2023 P&J Live, Aberdeen | 6th - 7th June 2023

Attend Energy Exports Conference 2023, the #1 event to identify global energy opportunities and meet key decision makers We know how important it is for business owners to find new routes to growth and resilience in these continuing difficult market conditions. There are vast and exciting energy project opportunities around the world, EEC provides companies access to hundreds of contacts and to learn about multiple new export opportunities. Listen, engage and connect with international operators, developers, contractors, government and export advisors, ambassadors and trade experts from across the globe.

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Free to attend

2 day exhibition & conference

Access to all conference sessions

Access to the networking reception

Unlimited networking opportunities

Access to EEC app and lead retrieval

2023 Exhibitors, Speakers and Sponsors


O E U K M a g a z i n e | S p r i n g 2 0 2 3 | 2 9 Contact us – for more information or if you are interested in one of our exhibition or sponsorship packages, get in touch with a member of the team… email or visit:

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