8th Grade Science Guide

ACT Score Range ACT Standard Coding 13–15 200 16–19 300 20–23* 400 24–27 500 28–32 600 33–36 700

*The benchmark score for the ACT Science subtest is 23. It is important to note that the ACT benchmark standards are content-agnostic, meaning they represent critical science reasoning skills and knowledge that are found across disciplines and content areas. Many of these skills are introduced as early as elementary school and are used to describe, model, and communicate science content across all areas through high school. It is critical that elementary and middle school science teachers are aware of these skills and introduce them as they teach their content standards. It is critical that high school science teachers are also asking their students to use these skills to demonstrate their knowledge of specific scientific concepts. For example, determining if data is consistent with a prediction can be introduced as early as K–5 and reinforced through formative assessment and activities in upper grades.


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