8th Grade Science Guide

8.2: Physics 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 1




● A swinging pendulum is a beautiful illustration of the principle of conservation of energy. As the pendulum begins its swing, gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. The opposite occurs after the pendulum passes the midway point of its swing.

● Gizmo

● I can observe how the potential energy, kinetic

energy, and total energy of a pendulum change over time as a pendulum swings. Identify the part of a pendulum swing in which potential energy is maximized and the part in which kinetic energy is maximized. Interpret a graph of potential and kinetic energy. Calculate the potential energy of a pendulum. Calculate the kinetic energy and velocity of a pendulum based on its height change. ● I can understand how starting height affects the fnal speed of a toy car. Explore how kinetic and gravitational potential energy change as the car rolls down a hill. Explain how the potential, kinetic, and total energy of a moving object are related. Calculate gravitational energy and kinetic energy of a car. Predict the fnal speed of a car based on its initial height, assuming no friction. Determine which factors cause a toy car to break an egg. Activity: Roller Coaster Physics Objective



● In the Gizmo, a toy car lies on a track with three hills of adjustable height. An egg sits at the end of the track. The kinetic energy of the car at the time of the collision determines whether the egg will break or not. The position, speed, potential energy, kinetic energy, or total energy of the car can be graphed.

● Gizmo - consider changing only the height of the hill.

Activity: Reading




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