8th Grade Science Guide

8.2: Physics 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 1

questions: What makes some sounds louder than others? Lights brighter than others?

8.2.5 Phenomena: Disappearing Trick




● I can create a hypothesis about how light travels through different materials.

● The structure of a wave affects its ability to be refected, absorbed, or transmitted through mediums. Have students perform one of the following experiments or demo it. Ask students what they think is happening. Howare refection, absorption and transmission of light waves through a medium involved in the creation of a rainbow?

● Light’s behavior through water Video ● Disappearing coin trick ● Disappearing glass trick

Activity: PhET Simulation - Waves on a String




● Students will use the two phet simulations to gather evidence of wave behavior as it is refected, absorbed, and transmitted through various materials.

● Waves on a String PhET ● Longitudinal and Transverse wave motion Longitudinal and Transverse Wave Motion Video

I can create a model of a mechanical wave that explains how they are refected, absorbed and transmitted through various materials referencing models in the explanation.

Students will list claims and then support each statement with evidence from the simulation.

Activity: Light through a Prism




● Students experiment with a fashlight and a prism.

● prisms and fashlights

● I can create a model of a light wave that explains

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