8th Grade Science Guide

8.1: Chemistry 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 2

● I can use valid resources to obtain information about properties of matter and evaluate how the properties of matter are to be used for particular functions in society and communicate my fndings.

● Students should answer the question: Why might different types of fre extinguishers be used to fght different types of fres?

● Fire extinguisher code chart

8.1.5 Phenomena




● I can make observations and inferences about a phenomena.

● Have clear plastic cups that are taller and thinner. Have them already poured approximately ¼ full with rubbing alcohol. Don’t tell the students what is in the cup. Have about 1/3 cup of small ice pieces in another cup. Students pick up both materials. Have them predict what will happen when the ice is poured into the liquid. (In this case the ice will sink). Have them describe what happened and why. Then have them continue to watch through the side of the cup. As the ice melts, the water will go to the bottom and create a third layer. Students continue to observe and hypothesize. ● Questions for students to answer: What is the liquid? What is the ice made of? Why does the ice sink? Why does it foat? Why is it layered?

● Ice ● Rubbing alcohol ● Tall clear containers

Activity: Balloon & Hair Dryer




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