African Fusion June 2015

γ and γ ′ phases Figure 11 shows the detailed microstructure of the post heat-treated and as-deposited IN100 that went through electrolytic etching using Struers’ A2 etchant. As can be seen in both Figure 11a and 11b, the non-uniformity of elemental distribution resulting from the laser deposition process was preserved even after solution heat treatment. It is likely that lighter elements were pushed aside in the dendrites (darker region shown in Figure 11a) during solidificationwhile heavier elements remained in the dendritic centre (grey) region shown in Figure 11a. Fine secondary dendrites within a grain were observed with an average dendrite arm spacing around 2-3 µ m in both cases. As shown in Figure 12b, the three-step heat treatment cycle produced a final microstructure with distributions of the γ ′ phases at three distinct sizes: primary (average diameter about 500 nm); secondary (average diam- eter about 100 nm); and tertiary (average diameter about 10 nm), which were embedded within the solid γ solution matrix. The relative volume fractions of γ ′ to γ was estimated to be approximately 60 to 40%, which are in agreement with the results of Wusatowska-Sarnek et al. [12, 21]. These authors stated that the size and distribution of primary γ ′ is set at the solution treatment temperature; secondary γ ′ formed during cooling from annealing temperature; and tertiary γ ′ formed during ageing. Temperatures of a solution treatment and a two-step ageing sequence used in their study were 1 143°, 982° and 732 C, respectively. Figure 13 shows the microstructure generated by chemi- cal etching that revealed γ ′ precipitates in the γ phase as well as carbide particles. As mentioned previously, γ ′ phase was dissolved by this etching method. Three distinct sizes of γ ′ phase were also observed although the size distributions were somewhat different fromthe electrolytically etched ones (Figure 11b and Figure 12). This is understandable as the sample hadn’t reached equilibrium, even after heat treatment, so the localised size fluctuation of precipitates can be expected. It is noted that the sizeof the tertiary γ ′ phase (10-50nm)wasmuch larger than the one shown in Figure 13(b). This may be due to the clustering effect of many tiny tertiary γ ′ precipitates (average diameter about 10 nm) that resulted in larger thanusual tertiary γ ′ phase being observed. Conclusions IN100 samples with low porosity and free of micro-cracks have been successfully fabricated using the LAAMprocess. The microstructure of as-deposited samples typically consisted of columnar dendrites, which grew epitaxially from the partially remelted grains of the previously deposited layers. A three-step heat treatment was conducted on the depos- ited sample in order to form the strengthening γ ′ (Ni 3 Al-type) phase within the γ solid solution matrix. It was found that the γ ′ phase had three distinct sizes with diameters of 0.5-1 µ m, 0.1-0.3 µ m and 10 nm for primary, secondary and tertiary γ ′, respectively, although the size distribution varied with differ- ent specimen locations and with different etching methods. Elongated and blocky shaped carbides were observed at the grain boundaries while globular shaped carbides were mostly seen in the grains. The present results suggest that IN100 components canbe fabricatedor repairedby LAAMwhen appropriateprocessing is utilised, especially the lowheat input control for the deposition of successive layers.

Figure 11: Secondary electron SEM images showing morphologies of IN100 after electrolytic etching: (a): as-deposited sample; (b): post heat-treated sample.

Figure12: Secondary electron SEM images showing three sizes of the γ ′ phase on electrolytically etched, post heat-treated IN100: (a): primary and secondary γ ′ particles; (b): secondary and tertiary γ ′ particles.

Figure13: Secondary electron SEM images showing three sizes of the γ ′ phase on chemically etched IN100: (a): primary and secondary γ ′ phase; (b). tertiary γ ′ phase.

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June 2015


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