African Fusion June 2015

SAIW: NDT technician development

This support to industry is achieved in two simple ways. First, a ‘license to operate’ assessment is performed by technicians onequipment similar to that found onsite. This involves a simple practical test involving a relevant sample contain- ing discontinuities comparable to the smallest rejectable indications found at the inspectors’ workplace. Second, in order to keep up to date with latest developments and to ensure continuous personnel development, a system of CPD points at all levels of qualification is required. These two process would be the domain of the SAINT Professional Body and would lead to the candidate being a designated NDT professional accord- ing to qualification levels: Level 1 – Op- erator; Level 2 – Technician; or Level 3 – Technologist. In addition, the seat of theNDT tech- nician’s chair canonly be ‘occupied’ for a period of five years. Thereafter, renewal or recertification would be applicable. Conclusions While this process has the ability to address long-standing issues relating to the qualification and certification of NDTpersonnel, only full implementation would ensure success. The NDT frater- nity would have to manage, maintain and take responsibility for all aspects de- scribed above, with regular interaction with the end-users. Only under these conditions can constant improvement in the NDT industry be achieved.

lies within the domain and strength of the SNT-TC-1A system. Since ISO 9712 focuses on the basic qualification of personnel, industrial experience requirements are deliberately vague. SNT-TC-1A, therefore could fill this gap, since industrial experience is related to a company specific environment and thus the companywould be responsible for ensuring that the technicians have mastered their skills prior to authorising them to work on their behalf. Without losing the benefits of in- dustrial experience under SNT-TC-1A, it is relatively easy to stipulate industrial experience requirements to fit within ISO 9712 for Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 NDT personnel. These can be sum- marised as suggested in Table 1. Industrial experience is managed by an employed or subcontracted Com- pany Level 3 Inspector in accordance with the company’s Quality Manual and Written Practice. Thus the Level 3 is re- sponsible for thementoring programme as well as the company authorisation assessment. To overcome discrepancies within the NDT qualification and certification with respect to Level 3 personnel in- volvement, the SAINT Professional Body shall monitor and designate suitable Level 3 NDT technologists for industrial experience mentoring and monitoring. The back support: It is important to ensure that the information supplied by qualified and certified technicians remains accurate on an ongoing basis.

programme are required prior to issuing a proof of training record. Dedicated practical training pro- grammes can also be implemented to reduce the industrial experience require- ments. ISO 9712 allows for 50% of the industrial experience to be gained by a dedicated practical course programme that can be weighted up to a factor of 5. This means that one week of dedicated practical training would equate to five weeks of industrial experience. Leg 3 – Qualification: In ISO 9712, a qualification is the demonstration of physical attributes, knowledge, skill, training and experience required to properly perform NDT tasks, while SNT-TC-1A defines a qualification as the demonstrated skill, demonstrated knowledge, documented training, and documented experience required for personnel toproperlyperformtheduties of a specific job. In essence, these two definitions are not incompatible and can be summarised as a student’s ability to demonstrate his or her NDT capabilities. Within the ISO 9712 system this is performed via an independent qualifica- tion examination consisting of a general, specific and practical examination. As mentioned previously, the SNT-TC-1A system is industrial-experience focused and this qualification aspect is, perhaps, better suited to Leg 4 of a combined system.

Leg 4 – Industrial experience: Indus- trial experience, if it is applied correctly,

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Written Practice & Written Instructions

Written Instructions & Recording Results

Technique Specific Mentoring (Receive)

OPTIONAL: Structured & Dedicated Prac Training @ ATB

Written Practice & Quality Procedures & Resource Maintenance Procedures & Reporting

Technique Specific Mentoring (Receive & Provide)

OPTIONAL: Structured & Dedicated Prac Training @ ATB

Written Practice & Quality Procedures Procedures & Reporting

Technique Specific Mentoring (Provide) & Level 3 work

OPTIONAL: Structured & Dedicated Prac Training @ ATB




17 46


10 20

10 20



20 20

20 20

480 50 480 50




158 20

Mandatory – Performed by Company Level 3 in accordance with company QMS. ISO 9712 Qualification Examination is not applicable.

Company Authoriza- tion Examination

Table 1: A summary of possible industrial experience requirements that might fit within ISO 9712 and meet the essential requirements of SNT-TC-1A.


June 2015


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