Trafika Europe 8 - Romanian Holiday

Almost Everything Very Fast

“‘That’s impossible,’ I say out loud to myself, ‘he’s—’” “Anni!” Master Baker Reindl interrupted them, shoving her long, lean body between Anni and her daughter. “Your rolls are getting cold.” Anni nodded, silently gathered her things, and set off. Back at the somebodies’ house she put the rolls in the breadbasket, covered them with a kitchen towel, went to her room, pressed

her face deep into the pillow, and screamed: “He’s burned, he’s burned, he’s burned!” Afterward she felt a bit better, washed herself, and went to milk the cows, shaking her head. She tried a few more times to get her hands on the leather boots her father had made, but had to concede that it was as good as impossible to separate a Klöble from something she liked. And Mina loved her boots.


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