ENTSOG Southern Corridor (SC) Gas Regional Investment Plan (GRIP) 2014-2023 / Annex B: Infrastructure Projects


Capacity (GWh/d)

From Zone

To Zone

Modelled Direction No exit



LNG Terminals Italia

Hub Italia


No data made available by sponsor

EXPECTED BENEFITS Security of Supply, Market integration, Diversification of sources, SoS: o Gas for the Project is intended to be sourced from BG’s LNG supply portfolio. The Project should therefore increase the number of supply sources to the Italian market and reduce the EU’s dependence on a few large suppliers (Russia and Algeria). This will enhance the security of supply not only to Italy but also to the Southern European region.

o The development of the Brindisi LNG project will provide an alternative mechanism to pipelines at a national and European level for the transportation of gas into the EU.

o The investment in the Terminal will also support wider infrastructure enhancement in the SNAM Rete Gas national transportation network.

Market Integration (Increase of competition): o The project will allow the entry of new operators into the Italian wholesale gas market and will provide the power generators, industrial users and the retail gas market with important alternative sources to the incumbent gas wholesaler. The project will therefore promote competition in both the wholesale and retail markets, whilst constituting an important investment in Italian gas infrastructure. , COMMENTS ABOUT THE PROJECT FINANCING Public financing Private financing Multilateral financing

Southern Corridor GRIP 2014–2023 Annex B | 7

ENTSOG TYNDP 2013-2013 - Annex A

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