AOAC SPIFAN Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book (September 7, 2019)

Basic AOAC Standards Development Activity Framework

WG chair(s) present final versions of draft standard along with reconciled comments for deliberation and consensus Community Consensus / Approval of Standard

Works with AOAC to define scope of work to be launched, including development of new standards and/or new working groups (WGs) Advisory Panel Meeting

WG begin their work and draft consensus documents via web conference and reach general consensus on draft standard between AOAC meetings WG Meetings

At AOAC meetings, launch WG effort by refining a preset scope of work into a basic applicability statement from which the WG to began drafting the standard (SMPR) Launching New WG Activities

Draft standard is posted for public comments. Comment period is ш ϯϬ ĚĂLJƐ Draft Standard Public Comment Period

Stakeholder Panels vs Programs vs Individual Working Groups

Use of Analytical Solutions Forum to start new programs and individual working groups

AOAC formed stakeholder panels and used them primarily to develop standards

SPIFAN is considered to be an AOAC Program

Evolved stakeholder panels into programs

A few things happened:

Stakeholder panels developed their own identity and support mechanism to continue work

AOAC placed all other efforts into the two panels it was supporting and the overall effort less defined

Stakeholder panels have greater needs than just the standards development activity

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