AOAC SPIFAN Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book (September 7, 2019)

The Journey of SLV Study

™ The author of the AOAC method – Dr. Joe Thompson from Abbott, USA, guided us at various occasions during the entire SLV study – right from verifying the SLV protocol to validation of results generated in the study

The Journey of SLV Study ¾ The proposal was initially discussed at the AOAC Annual meeting in Toronto in September 2018. ¾ It was further decided that India Section will coordinate the study using a third party laboratory with technical assistance from Abbott, who were the method author for AOAC method 2015.06. ¾ FirstSource Laboratory Solutions (FSLS), Hyderabad was finalized as the third-party laboratory for carrying out the validation study. The selection was based on the fact the laboratory was well equipped with trained manpower and also the lab had already participated in the MLT study for this same method earlier ¾ An MoU was signed between AOAC India and Abbott on February 1, 2019, engaging AOAC India for carrying out the validation study. ¾ AOAC India further signed an MoU with FSLS formalizing the guidelines for carrying out the study ¾ AOAC India also informed the Method Review Group (MRG) of FSSAI regarding the proposal of the SLV, so as to facilitate the inclusion of the method as part of the FSSAI Manual of Methods

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