JUNE2018 Pub Cat Updated


Too Big to Walk: The New Science of Dinosaurs

B R I A N J . F O R D

A perennial favourite subject with readers of all ages, this ground breaking new book will appeal to fans of Jurassic Park and Walking with Dinosaurs . Palaeontologists have an agreed interpretation of the life of dinosaurs, yet the latest evidence offers a revolutionary interpretation to the eye of a biologist. Climatological evidence supports the theory that the habitat dinosaurs inhabited was largely wet and warm. Dinosaur fossils are found in mudstones and siltstones, which is a clear pointer to where they lived — a quiet aquatic environment. This is the only theory that explains why there are endless sets of fossilised dinosaur footprints, but none of the large ones show trail marks. Fossil footprints once believed to show a stampede were actually left by dinosaurs wading, as testified by the absence of dragging marks of their heavy tails. More and more is being discovered about dinosaur lives: locomotion, communal hunting, nesting behaviour, distribution, extinction. Ford brings together these amazing discoveries in this remarkable new book which undoubtedly will ruffle a few feathers — or scales if you are an old-school dinosaur lover.

9780008239558 e 9780008218911 AU $32.99 NZ $35.00 Paperback | 400pp Released: 21/05/18

Publicity Contact: nicola.woods@harpercollins.com.au

The Sinking of HMAS Sydney: How Australia’s Greatest Maritime Mystery was Solved


The gripping account of how Australia’s greatest warship was lost and found. For sixty-six years it was Australia’s greatest maritime mystery — what happened to the ‘pride of the fleet’, HMAS Sydney ? Was she beaten in a fair fight with the German cruiser Kormoran or was there treachery involved? Could the Kormoran survivors’ account of the battle and its aftermath be believed? Why were there no survivors from Sydney ? And where was the wreck? Hunting the Sydney tested all David Mearns’ skills as a detective, engineer, marine scientist and navigator. But find it he did, and with that momentous discovery came answers to the mystery, closure to relatives still grieving the 645 men dead, and accountability to the RAN — which had all but given up hope of ever finding its most iconic ship. 2018 marks ten years since that discovery. Now, for the first time, David Mearns’ account of the loss and discovery has been published in an accessible trade paperback format, bringing the story to life for those who missed the lavish illustrated edition.

9781460756379 e 9781460710340 AU $34.99 NZ $40.00 Paperback | 384pp Released: 21/05/18

Publicity Contact: lara.wallace@harpercollins.com.au


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