CYIL Vol. 7, 2016

CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ SURVEY OF CZECH INTERNATIONAL LAW BIBLIOGRAPHY Pavel Caban, ‘The Definition of the Crime of Aggression – Entry into Force and the Exercise of the Court ’ s Jurisdiction over this Crime’ (2015) Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, 61-76 Čestmír Čepelka, ‘Jus cogens and the question of criterions for its determination’ (2015) Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, 117-130 Martin Faix and Ondřej Svaček, ‘Dealing with the Past: Prosecution and Punishment of Communist Crimes in Central and Eastern European Countries’ (2015) 3 Espaco Juridico Journal of Law 31 Martin Faix, ‘Victims’ right to reparation under international human rights law: also against international organizations?’ (2015) Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, 161-184 Monika Forejtová, ‘Human rights between Strasbourg and Luxembourg – disintegration of the monist view of human rights protection or a new beginning?’ (2015) Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, 209-220 Jakub Fučík a Hubert Smekal, ‘Noví aktéři na poli válečných konfliktů: Případová studie Nejvyššího soudu Izraele’ [New Actors in Armed Conflict: Case Study of the Supreme Court of Israel] (2015) 1 Obrana a strategie 5-18 Kamila Hájíčková, ‘Hromadné sledování občanů’ (2015) 5 Jurisprudence 11 Jakub Handrlica, ‘The Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage and Nuclear Installations: Application Problems Revisited’ (2015) Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, 149-160 Jiří Hřebejk, ‘Mezinárodní smlouvy v oblasti státního občanství, jímž je Česká republika vázána’ [International Treaties Relating to Nationality, Applicable to the Czech Republic] in Bohumil Poláček (ed), Pocta prof. JUDr. Květoslavu Růžičkovi, CSc. k 70. narozeninám (Wolters Kluwer ČR, Praha) 155-168 Linda Janků, ‘Postavení a ochrana osob bez státního občanství v České republice’ [Status and Protection of Stateless Persons in the Czech Republic] in Dalibor Jílek and Pavel Pořízek, Pobyt cizinců: vybrané právní problémy II (Kancelář veřejného ochránce práv, Brno 2015) 256-290 Marie Karfíková and Zdeněk Karfík, ‘Mezinárodní spolupráce při správě daní’ [International Co-operation by the Tax Administration] in Bohumil Poláček (ed), Pocta prof. JUDr. Květoslavu Růžičkovi, CSc. k 70. narozeninám (Wolters Kluwer ČR, Praha) 205-211 Miroslav Kaštyl, ‘Security as a legitimate reason for creating double standards on human rights?’ in Security as the purpose of law (Vilnius University, Vilnius 2015) 88-93 Milan Lipovský, ‘The Understandings of the Rome Statute’s Crime of Aggression’ (2015) Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, 91-101


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