CPB Ljubljana 2018 course book

2. Make a treatment plan prescribing on point A, without using the interstitial needles and discuss. 3. Add 10-20% time to the dwell positions in the needles. Discuss the obtained dose distribution and discuss additional improvements needed. 4. Finalize the planning according to the dose objectives from the table


D90 CTV HR EQD2 10

D98 CTV HR EQD2 10


D98 CTV IR EQD2 10

Point A EQD2 10 > 4.4 Gy

Planning aim In fraction dose

> 7.8 Gy < 8.3 Gy

> 5.9 Gy

> 8.3 Gy

> 3.6 Gy

Limits for prescribed dose

> 7.2 Gy

> 7.8 Gy


Bladder D 2cm3 EQD2 3

Rectum D 2cm3 EQD2 3

Recto-vaginal point

Sigmoid D 2cm3 EQD2 3

Bowel D2 cm3 EQD2 3

Planning aims

< 5.5 Gy

< 3.9 Gy

< 3.9 Gy

< 4.5 Gy

< 4.5 Gy

Limits for prescribed dose

< 6.3 Gy

< 5 Gy

< 5 Gy

< 5 Gy

< 5 Gy

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