MidWestOne Financial Group, Inc. 401(k) Plan 2018

Time to Get Started!

Start saving now for retirement.

Enroll Easily With ATFutureBuilder

Step-by-Step Guidance When it comes to retirement planning, it can be difficult to know where to begin. ATFutureBuilder can help. With step-by-step guidance from our virtual hosts, planning for retirement can be quick and easy.


1. Log in to your account 2. Complete your enrollment 3. Welcome to ATFutureBuilder 4. Personalize your ATBlueprint® 5. Improve your outlook 6. Select your deferral/contribution 7. Choose your investment strategy 8. Add a beneficiary

Click here to get started!

9. Review your investor profile 10. Enroll, invest, and enjoy!

Click here for detailed instructions on how to enroll online with ATFutureBuilder!

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