1923 Harry of Ciro's ABC of mixing cocktails (second impression)

255. Tango Cocktail. 1 Curasao, J Orange Juice, J Italian Vermouth, J Plymouth Gin. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass, and squeeze orange peel on top. 256. Turf Cocktail. 2 dashes of Orange Bitters, 2 dashes of Maraschino, 2 dashes of Absinthe, i French Vermouth, i Ply mouth Gin. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass with an olive. 257. Tipperary Cocktail. i Orange Juice, J Grenadine, J Noilly Pratt French Vermouth, J Gordon's Gin, 2 sprigs of Fresh Mint. Shake well and strain. 258. Tuxedo Cocktail. I dash Maraschino, i dash Absinthe, 2 dashes Orange Bitters, J Sir Burnett's Tom Gin, J French Vermouth. Stir up well with a spoon, strain into cocktail glass, putting in a cherry. Squeeze lemon peel on top. 259. Tropical Cocktail. I dash of Angostura, i dash of Orange Bitters, J Crfeme de Cacao, J Maraschino, J French Ver mouth. Stir well, strain into cocktail glass, with cherry. 260. Trinity Cocktail. i French Vermouth, ^ Italian Vermouth, J Gin. 71

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