

18–21May, 2014 CrownConferenceCentre,Melbourne,Australia

to key client outcomes.Whilst this masterclass utilises paediatric data and examples, the concepts discussed apply equally to an adult population. AssociateProfessor JacintaDouglas , invited presenter of

ProgramUpdate connections: client.clinician.context has provided an excellent range of high quality presentations under a number of topics that will be of interest to a wide cross section of the profession. TheCPC hopes toprovoke discussion amongst delegates through its plenary sessions’ relevance to speech pathologists. Dr SusanLangmore will provide an overview of FEESwith regard to the prediction and prevention of aspiration will outline the best predictors of dysphagia for clients in a variety of settings, discusswhy aspiration is not the best predictor of pneumonia, and teach clinicians techniques tominimise the risk of pneumonia for clients. Importantly, clinicianswill learn how develop care plans for individualswith severe dysphagia. Thismasterclass is of great benefit to cliniciansworkingwith dysphagia. Professor SueRoulstone ’smasterclass focuseson the pneumonia in patientswith dysphagia. Dr Langmore

the 2014 Elizabeth UsherMemorial Lecture, will present on her many years of research with individuals

with an acquiredbrain injury. In particular AssociateProfessor Douglas will discuss a therapeuticmodel aimed atmaximising social connection through the delivery of effective and collaborative communication intervention. Thismodel developed utilising the perspectives of clients and their close others depicts the multidimensional and cyclical nature of the process of self-conceptualisation. Data supporting the effectiveness of the newly developed intervention focusingon copingwith communication breakdownwill be used to illustrate therapy developedwithin the context of the client’s self-concept and associatedgoals. Any changes to the programwill bemade immediately to the online RegistrationBrochure, so it is suggested you visit thewebsite from time to time. Youwill be contacted directly if anymajor change affects your registration. However if youwish to make a change to your registration please contact Alana Veres at conf2014@speechpathologyaustralia. org.au .

Registernow for the 2014NationalConference We can now count theweeks until the Conference. TheConference program and online registration are available from the Conferencewebsite . The ConferencePlanningCommittee (CPC) is encouragedby the number of registrations receivedprior to the close of the early birddate. We ask that you read through the Conference program, select the sessions that youwish to attend, and then proceed to the online registration. Thiswill ensure a faster registration process and less chance of being loggedout. Someworkshops have limited attendance so avoid disappointment and register today! Therewill be NO waiting list for any sessions.

development of functional, outcome-based interventions.

Professor Roulstone will explore a variety of models for

measuring outcomes, outline how todesign and apply outcome-based interventions, and assist clinicians to identify those interventions best suited

SpeakOut April 2014



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