Hong Kong Orientation Guide


Public Sport Centres

There are a vast number of sports clubs in Hong Kong, for more details visit the Hong Kong Sporting Association’s web site www.hkolympic.org and view the National Sports Associations Directory

Public sports facilities and locations vary; see the Government Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) website for more details and locations.

General Sports

The Government of HKSAR

Boot Camp

Hong Kong Equestrian Federation

Leisure and Cultural Services www.lcsd.gov.hk

Tel: 2869 6883 www.bootcamp.com.hk Hong Kong and New territories.

Tel: 2464 2800 hkef@netvigator.com

Foralistofparksandrecreationalfacilities near you:

Hong Kong Golf Association


Tel: 2522 8804

Tel: 2504 8332 www.hkdba.com.hk

The Government of HKSAR

Hong Kong Tennis Association

Leisure and Cultural Services

Tel: 2504 8266 www.tennishk.org

www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/ ls_park.php

Hong Kong Amateur Swimming Association

Hong Kong Trithalon Association

Tel: 2572 8594 hkasa@hkasa.org.hk

Tel: 2504 8282 www.triathlon.com.hk

Hong Kong Cycling Association

Tel: 2573 3861

Hong Kong Baseball Association

Tel: 2504 8330 www.hksdb.org.hk/baseball index.htm


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