Hong Kong Orientation Guide

Moving / Storage

For moving from abroad or locally within Hong Kong consider the following; or see the South China Morning Post newspaper “Trading Post” on a Sunday for local move services.


AGS FourWinds International Movers Ltd.

UniGroup Worldwide HK Ltd.

Tel: 2885 9666 www.agsfourwinds.com

Tel: 2418 4333 www.unigroupworldwide.com

Asian Tigers K. C. Dat

Good-Care International Movers Company

Tel: 2528 1384 www.asiantigers-hongkong.com

Tel: 2326 3600 www.goodcaremovers.com Packing, removal and storage solutions.


The Store House

Cube Self Storage

Various locations Tel: 2548 4049 www.thestorehouse.com.hk

Various locations Tel: 2914 2200 www.cubeselfstorage.hk/home


Electricity and Electrical Appliances

TheHongKongElectricCompanyLimited(HEC)supplieselectricitytoHongKongIslandandApLei Chau IslandandLamma Island.All other areas haveelectricity providedbyChinaLight andPower Hong Kong Limited (CLP), Kowloon, New Territories including Lantau Island and Cheung Chau.

The Hong Kong Electric Company Ltd.

China Light and Power (CLP) Hong Kong Limited

Tel: 2887 3411 24-Hour Emergency Services Tel: 2555 4000 www.hec.com.hk

Customer Service Tel: 2728 8333 www.chinalightandpower.com.hk


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