
September 2020 Maine Snowmobiler 9

MSA Club News

in photo include: L to R Chris Later, President Charlie Baker, Tom Taliento, Treasurer Pegeen Ranhosky and Hutch Gagne. Northern Timber Cruisers ATV, XCountry Ski & Snowmobile Club Watch us on Facebook 207-468-5845 It has been a strange few months with all the COVID-19 limitations and closures. I am hopeful all of our mem- bers and friends have been healthy and safe. We have not had much activity in or around the clubhouse. Folks have been out on the ATV trails though. Hop- ing the 2020-2021 snow season give us lots of opportunity to get out on the trail and enjoy the Katahdin area, which is beautiful all year though especially in the winter months. This past weekend was darkened by three ATV fatalities. It seems that the use of Helmets may have made a difference in those acci- dents. Please consider those around you and ride safely with proper equipment. NEVER include alcohol on your ride. Our snowmobile renewal documents will be mailed out soon. Please get yours completed and returned so we can get them in to the state on time. The current registration expires 09/29/20. We have tried to schedule an ATV safety course but had to push further out on calendar due to Covid restrictions. Please watch our facebook page for upcoming events. Our regular monthly meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of each month, Next being 9-2-2020, 7PM @ the Lake Road Clubhouse. Please contact me @ 207-468-5845 if you have anything to contribute to this page Patti Rioux NTC Recording Secretary Well a lot has changed since our last meeting. Hope everyone is healthy and keeping safe. Our September meeting was can- celled due to lack of usage of the Fire Station. Our October meeting will be held on October 14th.@ 7:00 P.M. at the home of Lisa and John Nelson located at 370 Embden Pond Rd. No. Anson. A reminder doesn’t forget all meet- ings are held the second Wednesday of each month . We will post on our Face- book page location and any updates. On a sad note we loss two of our active members. Glenn Googin in Janu- ary, David Wadsworth in August. Carol and Glenn hosted our summer cookout. They were always there to help whether grooming or work details. They will be missed but not forgotten. Our membership forms and raffle tickets will be going out. I hope every- ANASC Look us up on Facebook CENTRAL REGION

and to Bruce Caswell for clearing trees so we can expand the club parking lot. Welcome to the new normal and let’s hope the weather cooperates so we can have an awesome and safe snowmobil- ing season.

one supports the club and M.S.A. by buying tickets and joining the club. Half of the ticket sales is reimbursed to the club. Looking forward to seeing all. Both the new and old. STAY SAFE Heart of Gold Snowmobile Club I received the schedule for submit- ting news to the Maine Snowmobiler today. Wow! Where has the summer gone? Nowhere, it is still here in all its heated glory. But fall can’t be far away so time to start thinking about riding on the great white. Our next meeting is on September 17th at 7:00PM. We meet at Lumberjack Lodges located at 102 Chadbourne Road in Harmony. There is plenty of room for social distancing, but remember masks are still appreciated. COVID 19 postponed our election of officers so that is top on the agenda in September. Membership renewals and new applications forms have been received by our secretary. If you reg- ularly attend our meetings you can pick your renewal form up then, other- wise you will receive them in the mail. Thank you Madam Secretary. We have all been quarantined too long. The thought of cooler days and getting out on the trails will be a wel- comed change. Recording Secretary Marie Lougee READFIELD BLIZZARD BUSTERS Readfield, ME Find us on Facebook Is it possible to think about cold weather, snow and snowmobiling? In early August when Maine is in the grip of a heat wave? Temperatures in the nineties and very high humidity. Hopefully by the time this first MSA newsletter of the 2020-2021 season is in your hands the temperatures will have moderated and we are enjoying those cool nights that are only a fond memory today. The Readfield Blizzard Busters Snowmobile Club is planning to hold our first meeting of the new season on September 16th, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Due to Covid restrictions the actual location

and number of attendees have yet to be determined. Hopefully, we can continue to say the public is invited and welcome, please check our Facebook page to con- firm the actual location and what restric- tions may apply. Until the next time, THINK SNOW! Marge and Lee Livingston Club reporters

week to discuss the dilemma of social distancing for our next club meeting. It was decided that the Club will meet on Friday, September 11th, at 6PM, outside, at the Bridgton Elementary School near the Bandstand, using social distancing and masks. There will be no restrooms or food available. Please bring your own chairs, masks, and food or drink. Items to be discussed: Officer elections, future meetings, maps, trail work, business ads, fund raisers, club rally, and club trip to name a few. Rain date will be Saturday September 12 th at 2PM at the same location. The Bridgton Easy Riders Club is very strong and we will get through this Virus, somehow. We look forward to seeing you on September 11th. Stay Safe! Bill Preis Bridgton Easy Riders Correspondent. Hello again, The summer has flown right by and things are very slowly going back to normal. I hope everyone has remained safe and healthy through all of this uncertainty. The landowner appreciation letters and gift certificates were mailed out on the first of August. I hope you all were able to use them, thank you all again! We are taking steps to establish our- selves as a new club with our new name becoming the Fryeburg Area Snowmo- bile Club. We’re very disappointed, as are so many others that we won’t be having the Fryeburg Fair this year. The Super Raffle ticket booth is our largest fund- raiser every year and we’ll miss seeing so many of the folks who come and buy their tickets year after year. I will be get- ting some tickets for our club members to sell on behalf of the club and if there’s anyone else who’d like to jump on board to sell some please let me know. My cell number is 603-986-7293. Fingers are crossed for a great winter and seeing many happy faces out on the trails! Bridget Gorton Club Secretary/Treasurer Interstate Sno-Goers

Submitted by: Ray Simpson

Shirley Bog Trail Busters Inc. 36 B & A Railroad North Road Shirley, ME 04485 https://sites.google.com/site/ shirleybogtrailbusters Like us on Facebook

Andy Valley Sno Gypsies Auburn, Maine dghammond3@gmail.com Like us on Facebook Andyvalleysnogypsies.com WESTERN REGION

ShirleyBogTrailBusters@gmail.com No sign of snow but our Directors have been busy all summer selling and buying equipment to groom our trails in Shirley. We have worked with the local bank all summer long trying to get a club loan for a used, John Deer tractor 6200 with Gilbert tracks. Our president and treasurer signed the loan this week and the check is in the mail to the previ- ous owner. We are still keeping our fin- gers crossed that we may receive a MSA Capital Grant for the tractor. Meantime anyone with spare change, please feel free to forward it to our club to pay for the machine. We can sure use any dona- tions to pay the $300 a month loan. We also installed a memorial bronze plaque on a grouping of rocks next to our club’s Adirondack Shelter on the Railroad Bed this summer in honor of Armand Davis. The club along with Tom Taliento and friends wanted to erect a memorial to lifetime MSAmem- ber Armand Davis of Shirley. Armand was club treasurer of the local club, organized cook-outs, loved the club rides and most importantly was the First Maine Snowmobile Club Presi- dents. Tom Taliento sums it up with a note of thanks about Armand. His kind- ness, generosity, and genuine sense of brotherhood made our bond with him so special. Hope to see you at our club meet- ings this year. They are always the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00PM at the Shirley Library.

We sure have had great weather thissummer. As August slips away the nights are turning colder and we start to think about snowmobiling. It will not be long before we can get out and enjoy our sport. Our officers remain the same for the 2020-2021 season. President, Jim Whitmore; Vice President, Doug Lib- bey; Secretary, Matt Snow; Treasurer, Jerry Haines and Trail Master, Greg Hammond. Our membership remains steady and we are always looking to add new members. As the leaves start to turn, we will begin meeting and get busy taking care of the trails. We will communicate our first meeting and workdays on the Andy Valley Sno Gypsies Facebook page and website. We are looking forward to another great year! If you live in Auburn and ride the trails, please join our club. Your membership helps us keep the trails in good condition. We meet the first and third Wednesday at our club house on Small Road in Auburn. Greg Hammond

Bridgton Easy Riders Bridgton, Maine Bridgtoneasyriders.com

Like most snowmobile clubs, the Bridgton Easy Riders are searching for a way to continue the sport we love, now that we are in the world of Covid 19. The Club Officers and Directors met last

The Maine Snowmobiler is an official publication of the Maine Snowmobile Association

The Maine Snowmobiler

207-622-6983 • fax. 207-622-7669 msa@mesnow.com • www.mesnow.com

Vol. 51, No. 1 September 2020 • ISSN-0195-2870

To purchase Advertising Space in The Maine Snowmobiler, contact Susan, 207-622-6983, msa@mesnow.com The Maine Snowmobiler welcomes submissions from MSA members, including but not limited to, club news, calendar listings, photographs, letters to the editor, articles of general and technical interest. Submissions may be edited. Address to: Editor, Maine Snowmobiler, PO Box 80, Augusta, Me. 04332, msa@mesnow.com All opinions expressed by contributing writers in the Maine Snowmobiler are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opin- ions of this publication. POSTMASTER:Send address change to: The Maine SnowmobileAssociation, PO Box 80, Augusta, Maine 04332 The Maine Snowmobiler (USPS #859-920) is published four times a year by the Maine Snowmobile Association, Inc., 7 Noyes St Place, Augusta, Maine 04330. Periodical postage paid at Augusta, Maine and additional offices. Seasonal subscription provided to MSA members as a benefit of their annual dues. $3.00 of the $15 membership fee is applied to the cost of the publication. Subscriptions are available to non-members at a cost of $30/season.

Pictured is Tom presenting Pegeen our current Treasurer with a check to the club. He is also holding the bronze plaque that will be installed this summer honoring lifetime MSA member Armand Davis of Shirley. Armand was club treasurer of the local club, organized cook-outs, loved the club rides and most importantly was one of the First Maine Snowmobile Club Presidents. Directors

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