20: steady couvage and arduous exertion -‘with Which* on'one occasion in particular they sustained for* more than four hours a heavy and* incessant- cannonade with the Danish batteries,»block ships, praams and gun boats, in a situation where,- from1 tfye shoalness of the water, it was, impossible'to bring any of the large ships to, their support.' . . I feel i.t ..my duty ta make a particular aek-* nowiedgmept „of; the aid I have derived from Sir Home Popham.,. Captain. p fv the .Fleet, whose prompt resources and complete knowledge of, his profession, . especially of that branch which if_ conneifled. with the operations of an arm)':,• qua­ lify him in a particular manner for the ardu­ ous and various duties with which he has been charged. ■; •>* . ■*•.-’ ; C .*■ : -1 * - I herewith inclose- an account of the killed and wounded.' i i . ,1 beg. leave to refer their Lprdshrps to Cap*' tain Collier, ;whom, I. have charged with, this dispatch, for any further particulars they may* desire to.knovvv . :: • I have the honour to be, cftc, ' .v JT. \Ganib ieix . ■ •' *•£.' -M**t! AH Account of Killed and Wounded on board ,the advanced Squadron, on tlj.e' 33d of Aug. 1807,,. Cruizer— Lieutenant,Woodford, killed. Fearless— Two seamep,tkilled; Lieutenant .Wil-.- | liams (slightly) 1 seaman, and^ m^ines wounded. ," Indignant— Qn^se^mpn k i l l e d j seaman.wpundedi.;p

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