
.Guv iojs consists of 42 killed, 138. wounded, -and 22 inis^ing. Amongst the killed are four Offi­ cers, and six are wounded. ' • : The Danish Navy which has been placed at the disposal of his Majesty, consists of 18 sail of the line, 15 frigates, six sloops, and 25 gun-boats. Head-Quarters, before Copenh. Sept. 2, 1307. ' ' r’ ‘ M r L or O,". I have the honour to transmit herewith the report of the expedition undertaken by Brigadier- General, Von dp,r Decken 5 in the course of which he made a great number of troops capitulate, and also took ^possession of the foundery and powder mills at Friedrickswerk. Amongst the inclosures is the qapitulatioh, which has beep ratified ; and the (Commanding General in Copen­ hagen has adtiiafly permitted the artillerymen included in the capitulation, but who were serv­ ing in the place, to come out of the town as prisoners on capitulation. , The talents, zeal, and activity of the Briga­ dier-General have rendered him extremely useful on evvery occasion whichbas occured to employ him. I have" the honour to be, 8 cc: (Signed). , Ca thg tf.rU The Lord Viscount .Castlerea^h, <8^. Scc.^c. h ' :f ! r Jngetbdrg,' August- iij;' i8o'7.‘ ‘ ■ My Lofcfc, >-'• - After -1 'had'Sth¥ ho'notff te s ta te Ho your Lordship 1yesterday the* captofe1 d f ’siic waggons

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