36 compels me. to decline; any overture whi(;h;might be productive of delay only: but to prove to you niy ardent desire to put an end. to scenes which I behold with the greatest grief, I send an Offi­ cer who is authorised to receive any Proposal you may be inclined to make relative to Artic­ les Of Capitulation, and upbh which it may bfe possible for me to agree to any, even the' shor­ test'Armistice. '< ' ' lH J' ■ . njV-:',t- .. ' • * • ••'«’;’%'* fr, *‘v " '■ r -4 ;•; % I have the honour to be, & c.' ; ; A' •V'"’’ 1- . :'i •<' Cdthbart. His Excellency General Peymann, '•'Governot l of Copenhagen, & the honour: to be^ .iStc.. , , (Signed). P e ym a n n . , , . . , Commander in Chief of his fcWi'r ’ ' * ' ■' ‘‘ Majesfy’s- Land Forces, Lord CathVai^Calhnrander in -Ch ief ' . m I ' of the British Troops. ; Copenhagen, ‘September ^ 180£. V: : ■jMx"L ord !

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