litary r^ea, who shall b f stipulated apd |greed on in the course of the said negotiations, • I have the honour to be, &c, ' :; ' (Signed). P e ym a n n , Commander in Chief of fiia ! Majesty’s Land Forces. Lord Catheart, Commander in Chief ! of the British Troops.- '■ ; , My L ord ! As soon as you shall be pleased to appoint a neutral place, out of the town, where to meet on both sides for regulating the Articles of Ca­ pitulation, Officers provided with full powers foy negocjating shall he sent, and in the interim the armistice is considered a$ subsisting, til contrary orders should be given, l have the honour to be, &c. (§igqed), - Peymcknn, Commander in Chief of his . Majesty's Land Forces, Lord Cathcart, Commander in Chief of the British Troops, : , - Copenhagen, September 6, 1807. 1 Head-quarters, before Copenh, Sept. 6, ^807, " Sin : The Officers appointed t.o treat with you are Major-General the Right Honourable Sir Arthur Wellesley, K. B.j Sir Home Ropham, Captain of the ‘ Fleet j and Lieut, GoV. Murray,' Deputy

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