fetftraCt of * a tette r from Major - General Sit Arthur Wellesley, K, B ., dated Brtfsenborgj Sept. 2,'1807. I have the honour to incldse a detailed re­ port of the operations of the corps under Major- .General Linsengen on the 29th,. , L Lieut.-Gen. Lord Cathcart, &c. ; ' ■ . :I have the honour herewith to transmit ,* detailed relation of the engagement before'Kid* ge, On the 29th instant, in aj far as if was con­ nected with the troops I had the honour to command on that day. • > ■ I r e m a in , See. -"i •. • ( S i g n e d L i t i s e i i g Majoi;-Gefl. Major-Generel the Right Hon. Sir Arthur Wellesley, K. B. . 7 t , • ' r . • • • ‘ . ;. i : *; r : tr £ i Ringstedt,. August 31, igo?. S i r 1 . , ' ; ;; ' *• The right Column, consisting of sir squa­ drons of the t st, od, and 3d Light Dragoon#, icing’s German Legiott, five companies of the 95th, half a battery of the horse artillery, the 43d foot, arid tfi6 6th line battalion, King’s Gef- ffran Legion, bfoke Up from Roiskiold by fivfe o’clock on the 29th instant, reached Arstfcad bjr eight o’clock, when two squadrons that had been Sefit the, night before from Roiskiold to Arstead, did join, the division.. T,hi^ detachment,1 und&t ■ ’ Ringstedtj; August 31,-1807. . . ;■ ' SiR, .7

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