

J A N 2 0 1 7 F E B

The intent of this column is to communicate chapter news. Announcements may include items of interest, such as member news, section activities, events, training calendar, special programs, etc. Refer to the editorial submission deadlines, particularly with date sensitive announcements.

Submit chapter news/high-resolution digital .jpg or .tif photos with captions to: Angela Colonna | acolonna@fbinaa.org

NAA. Director Comey provided an overview of current events and held a lively Q & A session. His time was appreciated by all. CALIFORNIA n Congratulations to Roxana Kennedy , NA 243, for her pro- motion as the first female

Chief of Police of the Chula Vista Po- lice De- partment,

(L-R) Terry Vrabec, Shirley Coté.

n The annual Alaska Chapter FBINAA Christmas party . Every year we have a different theme. This year it was Hawaiian (in case you couldn’t guess). Year after year it’s a tremendous amount of fun with good food, games, prizes and most of all camaraderie.

Special Agent In Charge Marlin Ritzman swearing in new members of the Board – Robert Beasley, Secretary/Treasurer, Shirley Coté, President, and Barry Wilson, Vice President of Southcentral Region. Vice Presidents Sean McGee and Chad Goeden will be sworn in later.

Chula Vista,

Roxana Kennedy

California. Roxana is a very active member of the Califor- nia Chapter and serves on the California Executive Board as the Corporate Sponsorship Devel- opment Coordinator. Roxana does a phenomenal job in this position. Again, congratulations Chief Kennedy.


n FBI Director James Comey recently met with the Police Chiefs and Sheriffs from Arizona, as well as the Executive Board of the Arizona Chapter of the FBI-

Annual Alaska Chapter FBINAA Christmas Party.

ALASKA n The Alaska Chapter voted in a whole new Board, with Ms. Shir- ley Cote being the new Chapter President. Exciting, as they hope to build a new strong group. Vis- iting Magnum PI (AKA Arizona Member Terry Vrabec ) visited to help them with the change over and we had a great Hawaiian themed dinner to celebrate the strength and unity of the law enforcement community. Notice the Law Enforcement Ameri- can flag in the background, as

all attendees received one to show respect for them and their families. n Past President Terry Vrabec receiving a plaque from incom- ing President Shirley Coté . Terry was recognized for his 16 years of service as the Alaska Chapter President. Terry also spent his first year on the board as Vice President and his last year as Past President. We could not have asked for a more involved leader.

(L-R ) Arizona Chapter Board members, Secretary/Treasurer Rich Benson (192nd), 1st Vice President Steve Stahl (252nd), Director James Comey, President Bill Peters (230th), 2nd Vice President Dave Harvey (261st), and Sergeant at Arms Jimmy Rodriguez (256th).

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