5th grade Instructional Guide

What’s Updated This section contains a listing of pages in the page that have received substantial content updates for this year. Page Number Description


Adjusted wording for the new standards


Updated the standards


10 day plans Refect the changes to the writing block Scopeand sequence updates

● Changes to the extended writing ● Alignment to the new standards ● Changes to the Language connections

Reading Software Updated Scienceof Reading

Updates and guidelines for the new Early Learning Software.

Now updated to include writing

Writing Rubrics

Kindergarten stayed the same 1st grade stayed the same 2nd grade stayed the same 3-5 Narrative

3-5 Informational 3-5 Argumentative

Standards White paper

New for the updated standards


Standards removed from tool, as alignment is not exact with compaction of the standards.

Digital Text Resources

Resources were checked to be sure that teachers can use the materials for free NewsELA (although still approved) was removed due to resources being restricted for the free version.

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